Why Does Chest Pain Occur When Inhaling

Why Does Chest Pain Occur When Inhaling
Why Does Chest Pain Occur When Inhaling

Chest pain when inhaling appears with intercostal neuralgia, rib fracture, renal colic, membrane inflammation and other diseases. In any case, you should not self-medicate, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Why does chest pain occur when inhaling
Why does chest pain occur when inhaling

Pain in the chest area during inhalation should be a reason to consult a doctor, since in some cases this condition can be life-threatening for the patient. Often, a doctor cannot make a diagnosis during the initial visit without taking appropriate diagnostic measures.

The reasons

Very often, chest pain when inhaling indicates inflammation of the membrane. The diagnosis "dry pleurisy" made at the same time often develops against the background of pneumonia. In this case, a person is tormented by a cough, his body temperature rises, but chest pains on inhalation become quieter if he turns over on the side in which he feels more severe pain. If we are talking about a tumor of the pleura, then the pain is felt both on inhalation and exhalation. In this case, the patient is severely limited in movement due to deformation of the rib cage.

Chest pain during inhalation can cause dry pericarditis, and a person can choke due to the inability to inhale, as a result, the duration of inhalation becomes shorter than the duration of exhalation. The peculiarity of this disease is expressed in the alternating intensification and weakening of pain. Lack of interpleural ligament length will especially affect walking and running. By the nature of the pain, they will not be sticky, but stabbing.

With a symptom such as chest pain when inhaling, a diagnosis of renal colic may be made. First, pain appears under the right rib and spoon, and then spreads throughout the abdomen. Intercostal neuralgia can cause pain in the area of the right scapula, right shoulder, which increases with inhalation. A fractured rib, naturally, is accompanied by pain when inhaling: a person's chest is compressed and compressed, causing severe anguish and coughing.

What other diseases cause a similar symptom

Sometimes patients confuse precordilny syndrome with a heart attack - the pain when inhaling is so severe. However, this syndrome is typical for young children, adolescents and people under 30 years old, and not for those who fall into an older age group and suffer from heart disease. In this condition, the pain goes away as quickly as it appears. The reason for this phenomenon has not yet been precisely established. Precordial syndrome can be prevented by avoiding postures in which there is difficulty in breathing.

Chest pain can signal angina pectoris. In this case, the patient's pressure rises and the skin turns pale. With thromboembolism, the patient also suffers from chest pain, aggravated by inhalation. At the same time, the skin turns blue, shortness of breath, palpitations appear, pressure drops. In this case, the patient needs to be urgently admitted to the hospital.