How To Make A Mat

How To Make A Mat
How To Make A Mat

Table of contents:


Passepartout is an additional framing of the picture inside the frame. Passepartout can decorate a painting, embroidery, collage, photography, helping to focus the viewer's attention on the image, and making more meaningful and voluminous information on it. If you wish, you can make a mat by yourself, using colored paper or cardboard for making.

How to make a mat
How to make a mat

It is necessary

  • - cardboard
  • - stationery knife


Step 1

Take cardboard and cut out a rectangle equal in size to the frame into which the picture and mat will be inserted.

Step 2

Turn the cut-out sheet over and connect the corners of the cardboard rectangle from the wrong side with lines.

Step 3

Find the central point at the intersection of these lines, and draw a "window", measuring the required width of the passport from the outer edge of the rectangle. Inside this rectangle, draw another smaller rectangle, 1-2cm.

Step 4

Using a sharp knife, cut along the marked diagonal lines from the corner to the corner of the larger inner "window" of the mat.

Step 5

Use a knife to cut off excess cardboard around the perimeter of the smaller rectangle.

Step 6

Fold the edges of the passepartout window inward along the lines of the large inner rectangle and smooth them down. Thanks to this fold, the central window is flat and slightly voluminous due to the double thickness of the cardboard. This will give the painting a neat and finished look when it is framed with a mat.

Step 7

Put the picture, mat and frame together, secure it on the back with nails or special paper clips, and hang the picture on the prepared place.

Step 8

The intended frame for the picture, the mat and the picture itself must be in harmony with each other. For delicate watercolors or black and white graphics, a wide white mat is best suited. For rich oil paintings, you can make a mat in a dark shade, but it's best to stick to calm neutral tones so as not to drown out the image in the picture.

Step 9

Different paintings in the same design will look very original. In this case, you need to make a passport for all images in the same style - shades close in color, proportionally combined in size. Such a composition will always attract the attention of all your guests, and it will be very pleasant to receive well-deserved praise and share experiences.
