Why Is The Volcano Dreaming

Why Is The Volcano Dreaming
Why Is The Volcano Dreaming

A volcano in a dream is a symbol of some sudden and fairly large-scale changes. In the interpretation of such a dream, it is more important how the volcano behaves: it erupts, "sleeps" or looks extinct.

Volcano in a dream
Volcano in a dream

At the associative level, a volcano can be perceived as a kind of dangerous and unpredictable object. However, in the world of dreams, a volcano is not always a symbol filled with negative connotations.

When a person observes a "sleeping" volcano in night vision and climbs it, as if on a steep mountain, this promises the dreamer success in business. He will be able to cope with adverse circumstances, luck will be on his side.

If flashes of fire erupt from the depths of the volcano, such a dream portends liberation from unpleasant and strong emotions that have troubled the dreamer for a long time. Such liberation will bring harmony and tranquility, therefore you should not resist it.

A lonely person who sees an erupting volcano in a dream should rejoice in such a dream. Dream Interpretations say: soon it will be possible to get acquainted with a new interesting person, with whom a romantic relationship will be struck. At the same time, the novel will be passionate, stormy, very bright and emotional. It is likely that this relationship will not reach the wedding, but they will leave only good memories in their memory.

To be in a dream near a volcano that puffs, trembles and "spits out" lava and stones is not the most favorable sign. In life, the dreamer needs to be attentive and circumspect. He needs to learn to hear and listen to people, to manage his own emotions. It is highly likely that fate will bring the dreamer together with people who will embroil him in a heated argument. A quarrel can turn into a very hot scandal or even a fight.

When in a dream a fiery red-hot lava pours from an erupting volcano, according to dream books, this stands for a warning of danger. A person who dreamed of this risked a lot of quarreling with relatives and friends. In addition, he can make many serious mistakes in his work, make wrong decisions that will entail negative consequences.

For a person in love, a dream in which an extinct or old volcano was present does not bode well. A streak of bad luck will begin in life, and relations with a passion will deteriorate sharply. There is a risk of betrayal or separation.

If a young girl sees in a dream a "sleeping" or extinct volcano, boredom, loneliness and monotonous gray days await her in life. You need to stock up on strength and patience in order to painlessly survive such a period of darkness and stagnation.

When the dreamer is drowning in hot lava that pours out of the volcano, such a dream should be taken as another warning signal. The dream books say that this kind of night vision hints that the dreamer should become more serious, not rush to make decisions and not postpone any business on the back burner. There comes a time in his life when it will be necessary to take responsibility for all words, actions and deeds.

A dream in which the volcano awakens with a roar and hiss, informs that the dreamer needs to curb his emotions and stop behaving so selfishly. Rough statements, nagging and remarks that the dreamer distributes to everyone around will lead to a sharp deterioration in relations with people. If a person does not try to change his character, if he continues to behave selfishly and demonstratively, all this will turn into an extremely confusing and unpleasant situation from which it will be difficult to get out.
