How To Make A Model Of A Volcano

How To Make A Model Of A Volcano
How To Make A Model Of A Volcano

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In 79 AD, there was a powerful eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which was a disaster for Pompeii and two neighboring cities. About two thousand people died under a layer of ash. You can watch how the lava erupts without leaving your home - on a small model of the volcano.

How to make a model of a volcano
How to make a model of a volcano

It is necessary

  • - flour,
  • - salt,
  • - water,
  • - detergent,
  • - beet juice,
  • - baking soda,
  • - 3-9% vinegar,
  • - hair spray,
  • - glass jar 100-150 ml.


Step 1

In order to make the volcano itself, take a small, about 100-150 ml glass jar, this can be a jar of mayonnaise, for example. Now let's prepare the salted dough: pour two glasses of white flour on the kitchen table, add one glass of fine salt. While stirring, add water gradually to form a thick dough.

Step 2

For faster hardening and strength of the model, PVA glue can be added to the water. Stick the dough over a jar on a wooden board so that its top edge is a table with the neck of a volcano. Give the slopes the shape of rocks and the texture of mountain cliffs, crushing the dough with some pebble, and leave to dry.

Step 3

After complete hardening, the volcano can be painted with gouache or acrylic paints, depicting bare rocks at the top and areas overgrown with vegetation at the bottom of the mountain. Once dry, coat with hairspray or nitro varnish for carpentry. Leave to dry for another day.

Step 4

When the volcano is completely dry and ready to erupt, place it on the table with plastic wrap or an old towel underneath the model. Pour inside (in a glass jar) one tablespoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), one tablespoon of any dishwashing liquid, which will cause a foamy eruption, some red food coloring or beetroot juice to redden the lava. Now everything is ready for the mini-eruption of the volcano.

Step 5

Gently pour about 40-50 ml of vinegar 3-9% into the mouth of your Vesuvius, a chemical reaction of the acid-alkali compound will begin, with the release of carbon dioxide. Because of this, the foaming red liquid expands and pours over the edges, flowing down the slopes of the volcano. It should be noted that this experience is quite safe and harmless, if you are careful, you should only thoroughly ventilate the room from the smell of vinegar.
