How To Make A RC Boat Model

How To Make A RC Boat Model
How To Make A RC Boat Model

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Ship modeling sport is rightfully one of the most interesting. It attracts millions of enthusiasts to its ranks. Among the existing modeling options, the construction of radio-controlled models occupies a special place. Obeying the will of the operator, they can accurately simulate all the maneuvers of a real ship.

How to make a RC boat model
How to make a RC boat model

It is necessary

  • - fiberglass;
  • - epoxy or polyester resin;
  • - plywood 4-5 mm thick;
  • - radio control equipment;
  • - electric motors and batteries;
  • - set of tools;


Step 1

When building an RC model ship or vessel, it is very important to choose the right prototype. For a model to handle well, it must have a small length to width ratio. This means that a radio-controlled model of a harbor tug or boat will look much more spectacular and interesting than a remote-controlled battleship model.

Step 2

The dimensions of the future model are determined by the need to place in it a control equipment receiver, steering gears, one or two electric motors and batteries. With the correct dimensions, all equipment is placed compactly, but without crowding. All its elements must have free access, this is ensured by removable hatches and superstructures. Sometimes the entire deck is removable, which provides full access to the equipment.

Step 3

The model body is glued from fiberglass on a dummy or in a matrix. In the latter case, you can get an almost finished body, it will only be necessary to strengthen it with the elements of the set and paint it. Use epoxy or polyester resins for bonding.

Step 4

Glue the stern tube and rudder bushing into the finished body. For the electric motor, it is necessary to assemble a regulator that allows you to smoothly change its speed by turning the variable resistor. A small lever is attached to the handle of the resistor, which connects to the rod coming from the steering gear. When you turn the knob on the control panel, the model engine should smoothly change the speed.

Step 5

Be sure to provide a simple switch that changes the polarity of the voltage supplied to the motor, this will allow you to change the direction of rotation of the screw. Another steering gear will control the steering wheel of the model. If there are two screws, it is also necessary to provide for the operation mode to break - that is, when one screw pulls forward and the other backward.

Step 6

Place all equipment evenly in the model body, this will prevent it from tilting. The lower you place all the heavy elements, the higher the stability of the model, the more steep and beautiful turns it can perform.

Step 7

The screw for the model can be soldered by yourself. To do this, a brass bushing is turned on a lathe, a hole is drilled in it and a thread is cut for the shaft. Then brass blades are soldered to the hub, the finished propeller is carefully aligned, balanced and polished.

Step 8

When working on a model, learn to do everything very carefully, not allowing the slightest negligence. It is important to learn a high culture of modeling, in the future it will serve you well. What is done well and neatly usually works well. Even those elements of the model that are below deck and are usually not visible must be carefully crafted.

Step 9

Provide receiving antennas on the model. The doubles located on the sides look very good. The power switch should be located in a convenient location and can be aligned with any add-on element. For example, the power is turned on when the winch is turned. When holding the model in your hands, be careful, accidentally applying power to the motor could result in injury from the sharp blades of the propeller. First lower the model into the water and only then turn on the power.
