Fans of growing flowers at home know that the space for pots on the windowsill sooner or later ends. And so I want to squeeze in another pot. Or you need to place the plant closer to the sun. The way out of this situation will be a hanging planter. How to weave it yourself?

It is necessary
- - thread 40 m;
- - a ring with a diameter of about 4.5 cm (you can use key rings or eyelets from curtains);
- - scissors;
- - needles;
- - small elastic bands (stationery or for hair);
- - a pillow for securing the product with needles.
Step 1
Preparation Cut 8 threads, 5 meters long. Fold the thread so that one end is 3.5 m and the other 1.5 m. Attach to the ring: put the folded thread under the ring, loop up, fold the loop forward over the ring, thread both ends of the threads into the loop and tighten.
Step 2
Fold the next thread so that the first end is 1.5 m and the second is 3.5 m. Attach to the ring in the same way. It turns out the order of the threads is as follows: 3.5 m - 1.5 m; 1.5 m - 3.5 m. To avoid tangling the threads during weaving, tie them with an elastic band. The inner ones (1.5 m) together, and the outer ones (3.5 m) separately. Secure the ring to the pillow with needles.
Step 3
Weave the "handles" of the "Handles" of the pots, make a flat single left knot according to the scheme. 3.5 m threads are called working, 1.5 m threads - knotted (Figure A). During weaving, the knotted threads are practically not consumed, and the working threads decrease quickly. Take the 1st working thread in your left hand, bend it at an angle of 90 degrees, put on top of both knotted threads - 2 and 3 (Figure B). The right thread is the 4th, put the 1st thread on top with your right hand and wind it under the two knotted ones (Figure B). With your left hand, pull the 4th thread from above the 1st from the loop that formed between the 1st and the knotted threads (Figure D). Tighten the knot by pulling the right and left working threads in opposite directions at the same time.
Step 4
Continue to weave in knots under each other, they begin to twist with an edge to the right. When the cord has turned to you with an edge, twist it so that the left working thread goes to the right, and the right one goes to the left. Continue braiding with the thread on the left. The cord should be 50 cm long.
Step 5
We start weaving the "setting". Perform it with the flat single right knot technique. The technique is the same, but in a mirror image. Weave the right knot first, then the left knot, and then the right knot again. The planter handle is ready. Weave 3 more handles by analogy. Diagram for clarity.
Step 6
Weave a basket Perform the basket with the already familiar flat knot technique. Start to weave knots from the left and end with the left - only 5 pieces. This group of nodes is called a jumper. Place the cords at a distance of 4-5 cm, observing the order of attachment to the ring. Lay out the threads as shown.
Step 7
Measure 8 cm from the cord to the jumper. Secure the measured place with a needle and weave a jumper. Weave 2 more jumpers. To the next jumper, measure 6 cm, also secure with a needle and weave two jumpers alternately. Now we connect the fabric of the basket into one piece. Weave one strap on the weight, keeping a distance of 8 cm. The first circle is closed. After 6 cm, weave two jumpers of the second circle. Take a look at the diagram.
Step 8
Fitting and braiding Hang the planter and arrange the pot in the basket. Use an elastic band to measure where the braid should fit. Separate all threads, and tie the braiding place with one. Cut off 50 cm of the rope. Fold so that one end is 40 cm and the other 10 cm. Attach the thread to the bundle, loop up. With a long thread, wind the bundle together with the loop from bottom to top. Make about 6-8 turns. Place the coils evenly and tightly. Thread the long end into the loop, and tighten with the short bottom end. The plexus should be inside the braid. Trim the ends carefully. Trim the tail to any length you like. The ends can be tied in knots, decorated with beads, or simply left on. The simplest techniques have been used to weave this planter. If you have ever tried to weave, everything will work out without problems.