There are many ardent football fans all over the world. Almost every boy played football in childhood, watched matches on TV, supported one or another team. However, most of the courtyards lack soccer goals. What to do? After all, playing with an improvised gate is very inconvenient. In this case, you can make them yourself.

It is necessary
Plastic, wood, aluminum beams, paint, drawing supplies
Step 1
The first step is to decide on the size of the future gates. It all depends on which site they are intended for. Do you want your game to be as realistic as possible? Then make a goal according to the standards used in professional football. But do not forget that for such gates you need a field of the appropriate size. Unfortunately, not every yard has such a playground. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the dimensions of your gate.
Step 2
Make a detailed drawing. It should indicate the dimensions of all parts. Also pay special attention to the way the main parts are connected. The gate will be assembled from several beams, so they can be made collapsible, this is very practical. You can take them out to the field, set them up and enjoy any game. And then disassemble and take back. This will help extend the life of your gate. They will also preserve their original appearance much longer and delight the players of both teams with their appearance.
Step 3
The next step is the choice of material for manufacturing. Almost any material can be used. Doors made of aluminum beams or tubes are highly durable. However, football is a contact game, so players often hit the goal. The consequences of a strong impact on an aluminum door can be dire. Wooden gates require maintenance, but much better than iron ones. The gates made of plastic have the lowest level of injury risk. Plastic must be selected flexible, with the addition of rubber, so that upon contact with the ball or the player's body, the goal is bent, but not broken. It is worth noting that flexible plastic goals are not suitable for playing professional football, but they are ideal for backyard matches.
Step 4
Make all the details of the gate according to the drawing. Check the correctness of manufacture. All details must be rounded. If you are making a gate from wooden blocks, then it is necessary to sand the surface to give it a perfect smoothness. You also need to paint the gate. You can choose absolutely any color, but it must definitely stand out clearly so that the players can see the football goal clearly. Then let the paint dry. now you can take the newly-made goal under your armpit and boldly step onto the football field. Remember that you need a pair of gates for a full match.