How To Learn To Ride A Horse

How To Learn To Ride A Horse
How To Learn To Ride A Horse

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Horse riding is a fascinating and aristocratic hobby that can distinguish you from the crowd due to the unusualness and give a lot of positive emotions. In addition, it is very useful, because there is even a treatment with the help of horses - hippotherapy.

How to learn to ride a horse
How to learn to ride a horse

It is necessary

  • Horse;
  • Equipment (it is advisable to have at least riding boots).


Step 1

First you need to study the general rules and principles of riding. Many people know that in order for a horse to go forward, you need to kick with your feet on the sides, to stop - pull the reins, and to turn - pull the corresponding rein. So, the horse should not be kicked, but "given a leg". The leg is the part of the rider's leg facing the horse from knee to ankle, which serves to control the horse. So you need to squeeze the horse with your feet, not kick. By the way, the legs are used not only to accelerate the horse, but also when stopping and turning. This serves to ensure that the animal clearly recognizes the command, since the beginner may inadvertently jerk the reins or kick the horse's sides without even noticing it. The tilt of the body also affects the control - the animal very subtly feels the changes in the center of gravity of the rider on its back.

Step 2

So, now let's deal with the complex of movements that make up the team. For the horse to move forward, you need to give the leg, while leaning slightly forward at the same time. In this case, the tension of the reins is still slightly weakened. Accordingly, the horse receives a triple signal to move. To stop, you need to smoothly pull the reins, at the same time slightly bending in the lower back and leaning back. You can help slightly with your legs. The result is a clear, unambiguous stop command consisting of 2-3 pulses. The same is with the turn - pull on the appropriate rein, bend slightly to the right side and use the leg on the same side.

Step 3

In addition to knowing the various commands, it is necessary to maintain balance and maintain correct posture. Balance is essential to keep from falling, and proper posture will save your back. Therefore, on a horse, you need to sit upright, with your shoulders turned, and not strain your back muscles. The lower back must be flexible, otherwise each step will be given to the entire spine.

Step 4

Communication with the horse is also very important, because this is not a motorcycle that you were given to ride. When you meet, you can treat her to something tasty, pat her on the neck. But do not expect to appease the horse with handouts, this is not a dog. You must be confident in yourself, otherwise the animal will still be mischievous and no delicacies will help. In many equestrian sections, students are forced to look after their horse on their own, and this is very good. When done correctly, the cleaning process is very pleasant for the animal and you can understand it better.

Step 5

Sometimes it happens that you have to learn horseback riding from scratch during a long trip. This happens during horse excursions, where everyone is recruited, even those who have never seen a horse. If you decide to go, then remember the basic rules and try to apply them at the very beginning, while everyone walks and the road is flat.
