Sometimes an entire chess game lasts only a few moves. In other cases, a three-move checkmate happens after a certain situation has been formed on the board, which subsequently serves as an example of brilliant play. Regardless of how long ago the game began, it is possible to checkmate in three moves only by showing ingenuity and logical thinking.

Step 1
So, if you want to checkmate in three moves at the very beginning of the game, then be vigilant. Presumably you are playing with white. The three-move mate conditions are traditional: White starts and wins. The unsuspecting opponent will not see any cunning in the classic move at the beginning of the game. So, make the move e2-e4. Then move the bishop to the c4-square.
Step 2
Feel free to move your queen to h5. This and the previous move can be swapped depending on the enemy's maneuvering actions and your mood. Remember, your main goal is to attack with the queen and bishop of the f7 square. Do not rush to rejoice ahead of time, so as not to give out the slightest signs of a cunning plan by your own behavior.
Step 3
Coolly move the queen three chess squares forward, finding yourself in the weakest square. In fact, it is protected only by the king of black, which makes it a brilliant target for attack. This is how the enemy king became hostage to the figures of his own retinue. Mat.
Step 4
To checkmate in three moves not at the beginning of the game, but after the formation of any combination of pieces, look at the situation again. Sometimes it may take more than three moves to checkmate an opponent.
Step 5
With the combination shown in the picture, it is quite possible to checkmate in three moves. White starts and wins as usual. First, move your queen to b8.
Step 6
Further, if you are beaten by a white rook, move your knight to the black square e5.
Step 7
After that, check and checkmate with the knight, moving it to f7 or g4, whichever is not occupied by the black bishop or rook.
Step 8
If the black rook leaves your queen, then, no matter what move the opponent makes, take the black rook. Check and checkmate your opponent's king by moving the queen to h8.