How To Crop Images In Photoshop

How To Crop Images In Photoshop
How To Crop Images In Photoshop

Table of contents:


Digital images are good because with the help of special computer programs we can make almost any changes to the drawing. Photoshop is a bitmap graphics editor where you can do a lot, including cutting out part of an image or separating it from the background.

Crop image
Crop image

It is necessary

Photoshop program installed on your computer


Step 1

Open the image in the program through the "File" menu and then the "Open" command.

Step 2

If you need to crop out a rectangular part of the image (for example, just your face) use the Crop tool. It's in the first column of the Tools panel, the third button from the top. Click on the button, then, by pressing the left mouse button, select the fragment that you want to keep. Correct the borders of the fragment. Press "Enter", the changes will take effect - the parts of the image that were outside the fragment will be cropped.

Step 3

If you need to cut out a more complex fragment, for example, a human shape along a contour, use the Lasso tool (the second button from the top of the first column of the Tools panel). This tool is used when it is necessary to select a fragment of an image of a complex shape.

Press the Lasso button and do not let go - a menu for selecting selection options will appear.

- Normal "Lasso" - selects fragments of any shape. Press the left mouse button and drag along the desired path.

- "Polygonal lasso" - selects with polygons, ie straight lines.

- "Magnetic Lasso" - serves to highlight parts of the image with a clear outline. Click on the border of the contour and drag along it - the selection points will automatically snap to the contour of the object.

Select "Magnetic Lasso". And, as described above, click on the edge of the outline of the selected object and drag along it.

Having selected a small fragment of the object, close the contour by clicking the mouse away from the edge of the object (not inside), return to the starting point and press "Enter".

Clear the selection by pressing the Delete key.

Proceed in the same way further until only the object you need remains. Individual background elements can be removed by selecting them with the Magic Wand tool (second column, second button from the top in the Tools panel) and the Delete button.

Select the object with the Rectangular Marquee tool. Copy it to the clipboard (menu "Edit" - command "Copy").

Place ("Edit" menu - "Paste" command) the cut object on the desired image or background.
