Many people find it boring to write down little things in a diary every day. But imagine how much pleasure, interest and joy reading these little things will cause in ten years. It is as if you are returning to a time long gone. It will be funny to read about past experiences, quarrels, conflicts and understand that it turns out that they should not even be given importance. So, before you start journaling, read the following tips.

Step 1
Preparation. For a start, you should stock up on paper and pen, but you can also find a dedicated resource on the Internet where you can keep a diary. By entering the word "diary" in any search engine, you will receive a huge number of results. Once you find an acceptable site, sign up and write about what impressed you today, such as a funny story or sunny weather. Set aside a specific time once or twice a week when it is convenient for you to write in your journal.
Step 2
Write beautifully. It's not about the style of the text, but the look of your diary. Buy a beautiful notebook or choose the color of the pages to create a special look for your diary. If you want to keep your diary on the Internet, then choose a special form of pages, a beautiful background and font. Make it a pleasure to open and write in your diary.
Step 3
Be honest. Your diary is the only place where you can be as honest as possible. Write down what makes you angry, funny, or embarrassed, anything that you cannot say out loud. You can simply delete or burn especially dangerous pages. But do not do this right away, because after a while you may understand that there is no danger. On the Internet, you can simply lock records so that no one else can open them.