Even if it is winter according to the calendar, it is not always possible to admire the fluffy snowdrifts outside the window, because the Russian weather is very capricious and changeable. But I really want to see one of the most pleasant symbols of winter fun - a snowman on New Year's Eve. If it is impossible to make a real one, out of snow, then make a decorative, home, from improvised means.

It is necessary
- For a snowman made of socks:
- - white terry sock
- - several multi-colored socks
- - threads
- - soft material for stuffing toys
- - materials for decoration
- For a snowman made of threads:
- - Balloons
- - PVA glue
- - threads
- - large needle
- - materials for decoration
Step 1
Method one. Snowman made of socks For the body of the snowman you need a white terry sock, and for the decoration elements you can choose any multi-colored.
Step 2
Stuff the white sock with cotton or any other soft filler. Using strong threads, divide the resulting workpiece into two unequal halves, forming the head and body of the snowman. You can embroider the eyes of a snowman in advance (before starting stuffing), glue on ready-made purchased eyes, or sew on two beads.
Step 3
Cut three circles out of the multi-colored socks. Sew them along the edge with a needle-forward seam, place a little soft filler in the center and pull a circle into a ball by the edge of the thread. One of the resulting balls will become the nose for your snowman, and the other two will become buttons on the body.
Step 4
Use a baby sock to make a hat. You can shape the cylinder yourself, or simply cut out the heel of the sock and fill it with soft filler.
Step 5
Cut a snowman scarf out of a colorful sock. Add more details if desired. For example, twig handles, a broom, etc. The snowman is ready.
Step 6
Method two. Snowman made of threads. Inflate balls of different sizes to get the head and several parts of the body of the snowman. Thread the prepared thread into a large needle without cutting off the spool or ball. Pierce the glue through the tube with a needle. You will end up with a thread soaked in glue. You can put the needle aside for now.
Step 7
Each of the balls must be tightly wrapped with thread. Try to really get the ball of the correct shape.
Step 8
Wait until the glue is completely dry. The form should become solid. This may take 3 to 12 hours.
Step 9
Take a sharp needle. Use sharp strokes to pierce the balloons. If you have waited a sufficient amount of time, then the pieces of the burst balloon can be easily reached without damaging the mold.
Step 10
Glue the resulting balls together. In order for the snowman to stand, you need to push the lower part of the base ball inward a little.
Step 11
Decorate the “cobwebs” to your liking to make the snowman more attractive: attach eyes, nose and mouth, hat, scarf, etc.