Sometimes you really want to add fun text to your photo or email a friend with a pretty birthday card. With the help of the graphics editor Photoshop, you can write an effective-looking text on the picture, and if you don’t like the inscription, you can change it.

It is necessary
- 1. Graphic editor Photoshop of any version
- 2. A file with an image on which you want to write text
Step 1
In Photoshop, open the picture on which you want to write text. Select the "File" menu, the "Open" item. You can use the "Ctrl + O" hotkeys to open quickly.
Step 2
On the "Tools" palette ("Tools"), which is on the left side of the program window, select the tool "Horizontal Type Tool" ("Horizontal text"). You can use the "hotkey" "T" to select this tool.
Step 3
Choose a font. This can be done in the panel at the top of the program window under the main menu.
Step 4
Choose a font size. This parameter is configured in the same panel to the right of the font name. The font size for the inscription on the figure can be selected from the menu or entered from the keyboard in the field for numerical values.
Step 5
Select the color of the text that will be written on the picture. This can be done in the same panel where the font size is adjusted by clicking the left mouse button on the colored rectangle. A palette appears where you can select a color for the text.
Step 6
Move the cursor over the area of the drawing where we need to write the text and left-click.
Step 7
Write the text on the picture. Text can be entered from the keyboard or typed in any text editor, and then copied and pasted over the picture in Photoshop. A new text layer is automatically created in the "Layers" palette.
Finish editing the text in the picture by hovering over this layer in the Layers panel and clicking the left mouse button.
Step 8
Edit the text in the picture if the result did not seem very good. To do this, select the caption in the picture and change the font, font size or color. You can change the text itself by entering a new inscription from the keyboard or by copying and pasting it from a text editor.
Step 9
Format the text. Apply to the caption any of the styles of the "Styles" palette ("Styles"), which is located on the right side of the program window. To do this, hover your cursor over the style icon and left-click.
Try warping the text. To do this, move the cursor over the "Create warped text" icon, which is located on the top panel under the main menu to the right of the rectangle with the color of the current font. In the menu that appears, select the type of deformation.
Save the file. This is done through the "File" menu, the "Save" item.