Is It Possible To Photograph Sleeping

Is It Possible To Photograph Sleeping
Is It Possible To Photograph Sleeping

There are many signs associated with photography. Devices that can capture a picture on paper appeared when most people were superstitious. So the stories were born that cameras are dangerous and interact with the human soul.

Sleeping shots are rarely good
Sleeping shots are rarely good

For a long time, it was believed that photographs retain not only the image, but also a part of the soul of the one who was in front of the lens. Until now, some people believe that you can bewitch or find a person from a photo. In addition, there is a widespread superstition that during sleep a person's soul is not connected with his body, travels to other worlds. From the combination of these beliefs, most likely, the opinion was born that it is impossible to photograph sleeping.

According to another version, the omen has gone since the first cameras took posthumous pictures of people. The deceased were dressed up and seated with their families to leave a memory of the deceased. The tradition of photographing dead people survived until the 1970s and 1980s (in remote corners). Since a sleeping person with closed eyes resembles a lifeless body, such a photo evokes sad thoughts. And receptive and impressionable people can believe that if you take a picture of a person in a dream, then death will approach him.

The rejection of such pictures is easy to explain from the point of view of logic. First, a flash in the dark will either wake and scare the sleeper, or disrupt melatonin production and prevent sleep. Secondly, in a dream, people are relaxed, take not too graceful poses and do not control their facial expressions. So the resulting snapshot will not please many after waking up. And the author of the photo runs the risk of quarreling with the one whom he captured in a dream.