How To Draw A Fireplace

How To Draw A Fireplace
How To Draw A Fireplace

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An object for drawing, like a fireplace, helps the artist to develop in two directions at once. Drawing the shape of an object allows you to work with precise lines and perspective. Reflections of fire on the surface make it possible to understand the intricacies of chiaroscuro and shades of color.

How to draw a fireplace
How to draw a fireplace

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - watercolor;
  • - palette;
  • - brushes;
  • - a glass for water.


Step 1

Take a sheet of A3 white watercolor paper and place it vertically. With a simple pencil (hardness TM or 2T), outline the location of the fireplace in space. Its main mass is in the lower half of the sheet, the upper part of it is occupied by glass objects and a thin statuette, which creates the illusion of free space. However, from the upper and lower borders of the sheet, the distance to the objects will be approximately the same.

Step 2

Having marked with approximate silhouettes the mass and shape of each of the objects, proceed to their construction. The fireplace is a rectangular parallelepiped. Since it is deployed in space, it is necessary to take into account the laws of perspective. Build the main body first, without protruding elements. As an aid, you can draw vertical and horizontal axes on the sheet. Then draw two vertical lines parallel to each other - they mark the side walls of the fireplace. Please note that its top and bottom edges are not parallel to each other and are at different angles to the horizontal axis. The upper one "tilts" to the axis only slightly, the lower one much more.

Step 3

You can check if you have built these lines correctly using the sighting method. Place the specimen vertically in front of you. Take a pencil in your outstretched hand and "attach" it to the line to be checked. Then, without changing the angle of inclination, bring the pencil to the corresponding line in the figure.

Step 4

Start building the upper and lower sides of the fireplace. Do not forget to take into account that their horizontal lines are not parallel to the adjacent lines, but slightly inclined in relation to the central horizontal axis. Build each of the protrusions above the fireplace according to this principle. Keeping this in mind, build a hole in the center of the fireplace. Please note that due to the peculiarity of the location of the object in space, the hole in the figure will be shifted to the right.

Step 5

Mark decorative lines on the fireplace with thin strokes: the distance between these segments on the cornice will decrease as you approach the right edge.

Step 6

Erase all the minor axes and start working with color. Use watercolors or acrylics. Determine which parts of the fireplace are lit and which are in the shade. Start from the lightest areas: mix ocher, dark brown, a little brick and apply this shade to the top left of the fireplace. While this fill is still wet, add more dark brown to the palette for an earthy shade, and apply it to the bottom left. Blur the borders of the flowers gently so that the transition is gradual.

Step 7

Make the lower right zone the darkest, leaving light ocher lines on the side of the floor. Towards the upper border, lighten the color by adding more yellowish tones and a warm brick color.

Step 8

After you paint over the entire fireplace with the main colors, work on the small details: paint shadows near each and the protrusions, add different shades of red and light yellow to the image of the flame.

Step 9

Draw a shadow from the fireplace on the wall to the right so that the shadow is lighter on the bottom of the wall with a white border. The shade gets the most saturated shade on the right side directly along the fireplace wall.
