Ranetki are these lovely teenage girls who have traveled all over the territory of the CIS. All teenagers know and adore them. They are expected, they dream of being like them. All rooms are covered with posters and pictures of ranetki. But how do you draw a ranetka yourself?

It is necessary
- - album sheet;
- - pencil;
- - eraser;
- - paints.
Step 1
Sketch the outlines of Ani's wound with a pencil. At the top of the sheet, draw an oval - the girl's head. Draw two short vertical lines under the bottom to represent the neck. Then continue the lines already in a horizontal position, diverging in different directions. Thus, mark the shoulders.
Step 2
Draw Ani's hands. First, draw one line on each side, smoothly rounding the shoulder transition, and then add one more line on the inside, repeating the line of the first. Place one hand on the belt - bend it at the elbow joint. Draw a hand with long thin fingers.
Step 3
Draw the torso of the ranetka. First draw a vertical rectangle, and then bend it slightly in the middle, forming an hourglass-like shape. Thus, outline the line of the waist.
Step 4
Draw the details of the face. Ranetki are girls from real life, therefore, the proportions of a person must be observed. Divide the head into three equal parts with horizontal lines. Mark the line of the eyes just above the middle of the central part. Draw the eyes themselves slightly slanting and large. Finish the eyelashes with short strokes and the eyebrows with jagged lines. Use very soft strokes to outline the nose. Draw a smile with a straight horizontal line, under which draw a small arc along the width of the lips.
Step 5
Draw a line of long hair. To do this, depict the parting, and lower the thick bangs on the forehead. Then use wavy lines to depict the length of the hair. Also outline the boundaries of Anya's clothes.
Step 6
Draw the ranetka. Color the girl's body pink. Color the hair light brown, and then add dark strokes, taking into account the location of the highlights. Paint your lips with a calm pink-flesh color.
Step 7
Leave the base of the girl's top white, adding black and gray embellishments in the form of various lines and beads. Draw the other women in the same way, essentially changing only the hairstyle and facial expression.