Green, big and brutal. It can be considered that the verbal portrait of the orc is completed on this. If you want to visualize this image on a computer or paper, then you will have to make a lot of effort to convey all the little things of this amazing warlike race. Follow these tips and you'll end up with your beautiful ferocious family as a result.

Step 1
Capture the atmosphere of a real orc. Remember that if you rummage through the legends, orcs are people who mixed their blood with the blood of demons. It is worth starting from this. The sketch does not differ from the image of an ordinary person. Therefore, feel free to draw a sketch as for the image of an ordinary warrior. The only difference is the great height and perfect musculature of the arms and legs. Then demonic differences begin.
Step 2
The lower jaw is slightly elongated and more massive than that of a human - if you look at the jaws of an alligator or a Komodo lizard, you will understand what is at stake. Orc's skin color is usually depicted as green, but there are also red-skinned "variants".
Step 3
Start depicting clothes. Typically, orcs, like berserker warriors, do not wear heavy protective armor that covers their entire body. The main defenses are shoulder pads, thigh and knee protectors, and steel bracers to ward off blows. In addition, ordinary clothes can be depicted on the orc. As a rule, these are various furs of animals killed in battle.
Step 4
Pay attention to the eyes. Despite the inhuman, fierce and gigantic appearance, the eyes of an orc are always human. Even when portraying an orc in battle, the rage that persists in them is completely human and differs little from that that is depicted on the face of human warriors.
Step 5
Don't portray the orcs as stupid. Firstly, the orc should be frightening, and stupidity cannot be frightening, and secondly, the myth about the stupidity of the orcs is exaggerated and if you read the stories associated with them, there are many shamans and prophets among them who were much wiser and more experienced than representatives of others races. But at the same time, they are far from the gallant gentlemen. This is not a race that would put on lavish scores and stage musical performances.