An aristocratic lace collar can decorate almost any classic style of a dress or blouse. A few decades ago, such a collar served as an exquisite decoration for women's dresses. Nevertheless, the ligature does not lose its relevance today. The couturiers of the leading fashion houses regularly include a variety of lace details in their collections, recreating original vintage looks. At the same time, it is not necessary to fly to Milan for a lace collar - you can easily knit it yourself.

It is necessary
- - crochet hook
- - thread "Iris"
- - tape measure
- - satin ribbon
- - threads to match the base yarn
- - needle
- - scissors
Step 1
Choose a suitable “Iris” thread shade that matches the tone of a particular outfit. When you start creating a collar, you need to change the collar range. The number of millimeters must be divided by two - this figure will mean the number of base chain loops for the base of the collar.
Step 2
Choose the right crochet hook size depending on the diameter of the threads you choose. It is important to remember that the hook should not be too thin, as the ligature can turn out to be knocked down and uneven. Cast on the required number of loops, then try again the base of the product to the collar. The chain must completely adhere to the collar without any allowances or undershoots. After the optimal length of the base is adjusted in size, you can start measuring the satin ribbon, which in this case serves as a lining-rack.
Step 3
Attach the chain to the tape and cut the blade straight to the length of the chain. After that, the workpiece can be set aside and start making the first two rows of the rack. They are knitted with straight stitches with one crochet without an allowance. The width of the ribbon must also be taken into account, since it must be completely hidden behind the rows of lace. In the event that the tape looks out of the product, it must be tucked up.
Step 4
Sew the tailored ribbon to two rows of the garment so that the upper chain stays on the surface, as further knitting will continue along it. After that, in each row, an allowance for ten columns will be made in turn. This is necessary in order for the product to acquire smooth semicircle lines. Columns must be distributed evenly throughout the product. To do this, the main number of loops known to us from the beginning of work must be divided by 10. The resulting figure is the interval between double loops that must be taken into account during knitting.
Step 5
Knit the third and fourth rows with a mesh, taking into account the allowance. The fifth row will repeat the pattern of the rows of the rack. At the same time, it is worth remembering that a solid ligature in a column always lays down a little denser than the mesh, so you should not pull the thread with effort. The last row is knitted in semicircles from a chain, which creates the effect of delicate openwork lace. Frequent columns are allowed, but in this case, even without an allowance, the product will lose its even geometry, and the edge will resemble waves of shuttlecocks.