Children will better understand the meaning of the proverb if they draw it. Bread in Russia was considered the basis of everything. If there was a bad harvest, there was nothing to bake it from, then hunger set in. Growing bread is not an easy job. Many people are involved in the production process. All this can be displayed in the figure.

Lay a sheet of paper vertically and divide into several sectors. Draw a horizontal line first. She divides the canvas in half. Divide the upper part into two parts using a vertical line. You have 3 sectors - one large at the bottom and 2 smaller ones at the top.
Ears of rye, wheat
The lower part will soon depict a field with wheat ears and a harvester. On the top right - the moment when bread is baked from flour, on the left - the sale of the finished product. At the intersection of these three sectors in the middle, you will subsequently draw a ruddy appetizing loaf.
Start at the bottom of the drawing. It is not difficult to draw ears of corn. Draw a vertical line - this is the stem. Divide it mentally into 3 parts. Spike grains are located in the upper third. Small ovals extend from the right and left sides of the stem. These are grains. These figures take their origin on the stem and are directed towards the diagonal of the leaf, located at an angle of 45 degrees.
The ovals fit tightly together. On the top of each grain, draw thin diagonal lines - these are the fibers. Draw a stack a little further away so that it can be seen that rye and wheat have come to reap. On the side of this sector, select a place for the combine.
Technique harvests grain
Draw a horizontal rectangle. This is the part of the combine where the motor is located. On the right side at the top, depict the cockpit in the form of a square, one side of which is at an angle not 90, but 80 degrees. Draw the person sitting in it in profile. His hands are slightly raised and hold the steering wheel.
Draw 4 wheels under the rectangle. Two extreme ones are large, 2 medium ones are small. Combine the wheels into a large oval - these are the tractor tracks.
Bakery, shop
Now create a picture of baking bread. In the upper right sector, draw a conveyor belt in the form of a long rectangle with a lot of oval, rectangular, round bread on it.
The turn of the left sector has come. Draw a saleswoman holding a small loaf of bread to a poorly dressed child. Let this part of the picture remind the hungry wartime, when bread could save lives.
In the middle of all sectors, draw a round loaf with a salt shaker at its top. Let it lie on a tray with a beautiful towel hanging around the edges. Such a festive loaf on a towel is the result of the work of the depicted people and the main part of the drawing of the proverb "Bread is the head of everything."