Paladin is a warrior of the Light who summons holy energy to heal allies. This class is difficult to learn, especially at higher levels. Some quickly run out of mana, while others do not have time to heal their allies, and they die.

Step 1
For starters, the talent layout and symbols. They are on the link below. But you can play a paladin in the "Light" branch for different purposes - both for healing tanks and going to raid and regular dungeons, as well as going to the arena and battlefields, so 2 talent layouts are given. You will find symbols (glyphs) in the same place.
Step 2
Now for the most basic thing. In order for your "tank" to stay for a long time under the blows of a boss or just creatures, you must comply with two conditions: 1) you must not run out of mana; 2) you shouldn't heal too weakly. This requires a clear rotation in which these two conditions are met. It is best to heal with Holy shock and Holy light, and when you have Holy power, use Word of glory. The light of heaven is best used when the talent has worked to reduce the casting time in order to have time to heal the target. Also, do not forget to use a Mote of Light on the tank, this will greatly help in saving mana and healing efficiency. In order for your mana to replenish quickly enough, you must dress in things with a large spirit parameter.
Step 3
Well, and the second case of playing as a paladin is battles with other players. You have to withstand long enough under the blows of opponents, since usually everyone will hit you. To do this, do not be afraid to use the most powerful heals, such as "Flash of light" (Flash of light) and "Divine light" (Divine light). But do not forget to use the "Beacon of Light" on your follower, because if they hit both of you, it will help a lot. Do not spare all your abilities for survival, and your allies, with proper help, will have time to kill the attackers.