The word "editing" comes from lat. redactus, i.e. "put in order". Accordingly, an editor is a person responsible for order in any work of authorship (article, book, film, etc.). When it comes to editing text, the order has to be put in place of different kinds: content, stylistic, grammatical, factual, etc.

It is necessary
At best, special education. For example, higher philological. And accordingly: knowledge of genres and styles of language (journalistic, popular science, art), literacy, erudition, knowledge of the specifics of the publication in which the editor has to work
Step 1
Read the article, rate its content. If you understand that the article lacks facts, specific information on the topic, then the topic is not fully disclosed. Tell the journalist about this, indicate what aspects of the problem he did not touch, suggest your options for improvement or refine it yourself.

Step 2
Evaluate the text in terms of volume. If you find unnecessary repetitions, weak argumentation, unnecessary details in the text - feel free to remove them. Reduce the text boldly, but make sure that the main meaning of the article is preserved at the same time. And otherwise, if you feel a lack of examples, details in the article - add them to make the article more informative.

Step 3
While reading, pay attention to the consistency of the genre, the logic of the narrative. Also, keep an eye on the compositional usefulness of the article - the text should contain the introductory, main and final parts. Check the article in terms of vocabulary - whether all words are combined with each other, whether synonyms and phraseological units are correctly selected. Watch the style - is the author confused in using words belonging to different styles of the language, are there words in the article that are used in the wrong meaning?