You decided to learn how to play the guitar, bought an instrument and even had time to tune it, but instead of a normal sound, something strange comes out? Look at the distance between the neck and the strings. It should not exceed 0.5 cm. If the distance is greater, it will be difficult to pick up chords, especially if your fingers are not strong enough yet. Too small a distance will also lead to problems: if the size of the frets (metal plates located along the entire length of the neck) are not the same, then some string will hit the fret that is too high, and you will hardly be able to achieve a clear sound. Before you start learning to play, the height of the neck needs to be adjusted, as well as the height of the nut.

It is necessary
- Guitar key
- File
Step 1
First of all, inspect the guitar. If the guitar has a fixed neck, but the strings are too high, take the guitar to the master. You yourself are unlikely to do anything in this situation, because repairing guitars requires special skills, without them you can simply ruin a good instrument. But a fixed bar. As a rule, it happens with expensive guitars. If you have a custom-made tool, take it to the same master. For mass-produced guitars, the neck is attached to the resonator with a special screw located on the heel of the neck. In order to tighten it, a special key is required, which is sold in all music stores and is very inexpensive.
Step 2
Loosen the strings slightly. You shouldn't take them off at all, because then you won't be able to control the distance. But leaving them in the same position is also not worth it. When you change the position of the fretboard, the tension on the strings changes, and in any case, the guitar will have to be rebuilt. In addition, adjusting the neck while the strings are taut can cause any of the strings to break. Most often, this kind of trouble happens with the third string.
Step 3
Turning the guitar upside down reveals a hole with a screw. It is located on the shoulder of the neck. Insert the key there and twist gently. Do not make sudden movements. The key must be turned smoothly and effortlessly, otherwise the thread can be ripped off or the resonator can be damaged, and then nothing will save. Turn the guitar over and check the distance between the neck and the strings. Usually one turn of the key is sufficient.
Step 4
Tune your guitar to a tuning fork and check the sound of the strings along the entire length of the neck. If any of the strings hit one of the frets, determine which fret it is and file it with a file.