How To Quickly Learn Dialogue

How To Quickly Learn Dialogue
How To Quickly Learn Dialogue

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There are many techniques for memorizing text. As a rule, they are all based on different types of human memory. Depending on which of the types is more developed, everyone can find the best way to memorize.

How to quickly learn dialogue
How to quickly learn dialogue


Step 1

Prepare yourself for work. Choose the best time for you. If you are tired or stressed, it will be more difficult to remember the text. First, try to just read the dialogue and repeat it by heart. You can repeat its individual parts without mistakes. Do not try to memorize the entire text at once, memorization is uneven. Identify the most difficult places and study them separately. For good memorization, it is important that you understand and feel the entire dialogue. Incomprehensible words need to be looked up in the dictionary. It is best if you already know what type of memory you have. Usually, visual, auditory, motor, emotional, etc. are distinguished. memory. Think what you remember easier - a person's name or their appearance? Or maybe his smell?

Step 2

If you have determined what type of memory prevails in you, start working with it. As a cheat sheet, make yourself a plan of the entire text, isolate the most important thing. If you are good at memorizing by ear, speak the words. Record the dialogue on a voice recorder and listen again. Mentally connect parts of the text with images that you understand - visual or emotional. Sketch the individual images. If you are musical, try singing the lyrics to some melody.

Step 3

Do not overdo it. Be sure to take breaks and rest. At the same time, increase the repetition breaks from several minutes to several hours. When repeating the dialogue from the beginning, do not dwell on mistakes. Repeat everything that you could remember to the end, and then work through the "difficult places". Ask someone to act out a dialogue with you, while you try not to pry into the text. When you feel tired, change your activity abruptly. After memorizing, for example, you should not immediately sit down to a book or engage in mental work. Better go for a walk, do some exercises, go to bed. If you study the dialogue too intensively, you may remember it quickly, but you will forget it just as quickly.
