How To Identify A Caesar Mushroom Or Amanita Caesarea

How To Identify A Caesar Mushroom Or Amanita Caesarea
How To Identify A Caesar Mushroom Or Amanita Caesarea

Oddly enough, this "brother" of the famous red fly agaric in the Amanitov family of mushrooms is not only not poisonous, but is also highly valued as a mushroom of the first edible category.

How to identify a Caesar mushroom or Amanita caesarea
How to identify a Caesar mushroom or Amanita caesarea

You can identify the Caesar mushroom in the forest as follows. In a young individual, the cap has the shape of a ball, which then straightens out, its usual color is red or orange. No blanket residue.

The flesh of the mushroom in the cap is slightly yellowish, and in the stem it is white, without any smell. The stem itself is usually orange or yellow, with a tuberous base, with a mushroom ring. The color of mushroom plates is similar. The scales on the cap are rare, flat and rather large, and besides, they are not always on the mushroom.

Most often, this individual can be found in the forests of Georgia, Azerbaijan, the countries of the Caucasus, as well as in the Crimea. Growing time - late summer to mid-autumn in warm regions of the northern temperate climate or closer to the Mediterranean subtropics.

The most common neighbors of the Caesar mushroom are beeches, oaks, chestnuts and other deciduous trees. In coniferous forests, it grows very rarely, but always chooses warm and dry places.

According to the observations of some botanists and amateur mushroom pickers, the place of growth of the mushroom often coincides with an area ideal for successful viticulture, where by the end of September the temperature rarely drops below 18 degrees Celsius.
