Like a rather small number of fly agarics, the Far Eastern, oddly enough, belongs to the edible category. Moreover, in the Far East, it is revered as a real delicacy.

This type of mushroom can be identified by the following features. In a young fly agaric, the cap is in the shape of an egg, which then straightens out, but retains a wide tubercle in the very center. The skin of the "top" of the mushroom is bright red. The pulp in both the leg and the cap of the Far Eastern fly agaric is always white. The leg itself is yellowish, or completely hollow, or with a loose and cotton-like filling.
The mushroom plates are yellow, brighter in wet weather, and noticeably pale in dry weather. In this individual, the remains of the blanket on the mushroom ring are also frequent, which is more noticeable in young mushrooms.
The most frequent forest "neighbors" of the Far Eastern fly agaric are oaks, hazel, and birch. In the traditional region of its growth, Sakhalin birch is no less traditional for this mushroom. In Kamchatka, fly agaric grows much less frequently than in the Primorsky Territory of Russia. In addition to these regions, Far Eastern fly agarics are also harvested in the Amur Region, Sakhalin, and the Khabarovsk Territory. The place of this mushroom is very valuable in the culinary traditions of the inhabitants of Japan, China and Korea.
Outwardly, the Far Eastern fly agaric is very similar to the edible Caesar mushroom, but there is a danger of confusing them with the poisonous red fly agaric, so you should be very careful when picking mushrooms.