The inedible rough fly agaric grows practically throughout European territory, as well as in parts of Asia, in North America and in North Africa.

The following signs of this mushroom will help to identify a grungy fly agaric found in the forest. The hat resembles an ordinary red fly agaric, but olive, yellow or brown-gray in color, usually with smooth edges.
The mushroom pulp is white towards the middle, and slightly yellowish at the edges, without an unpleasant odor. The leg of this type of fly agaric usually tapers slightly upward, often hollow along its entire length, just like the cap, it can be covered with white or yellow flakes.
Do not forget that the rough fly agaric is a lamellar mushroom with very frequent plates. Often there are also visible remnants of a veil on it, which usually covers the entire fly agaric at its "birth".
It will help to identify this mushroom and its place of growth. These are usually mixed or deciduous forests with oak, beech or hornbeam. The growth time of rough fly agaric in Russia and in the Moscow region is from late July to early October.
This mushroom is not toxic or poisonous, but still unsuitable for food, since it is very tasteless when finished, and besides, it is very boiled down. There is also a great risk of confusing him with other poisonous cousins in the Amanitov family.