False mushrooms include various types of mushrooms that outwardly resemble real mushrooms. Some of them are considered conditionally edible, but their harmlessness to the human body has not been proven.

Step 1
Look at the mushroom leg - real edible mushrooms always have a light thin ring-film around the leg under the cap. In a false mushroom, you can see only the remnants of a ring, and in an edible one, this film ring is clearly visible. This is the most objective and one of the main indicators that should be followed in order to distinguish poisonous mushrooms. To make children quickly remember the main difference between false agarics, offer them the following poem:
Have an edible mushroom
There is a film ring on the leg.
And all false agarics
Legs are bare to the toes.
Step 2
Another clear indicator of false detection is a characteristic bright color. Real mushrooms are always light brown or yellowish in color, while false ones can be bright brown, orange, brick-red.
Step 3
Look at the top of the mushroom cap: a real autumn mushroom has a cap covered with small scales, and a false cap is smooth, without scales.
Step 4
Examine the underside of the cap. The plates under the cap are yellow in false mushrooms, and in very old ones they are greenish or even olive-black. Edible mushrooms have yellowish-white or cream-colored plates.
Step 5
Smell the mushrooms. In false honey agarics, you can feel an unpleasant earthy smell, while edible ones emit the usual pleasant mushroom aroma.
Step 6
Look on the Internet for illustrations and photographs of false agarics. The most similar to real edible mushrooms are sulfur-yellow, brick-red and gray-lamellar false mushrooms.
Step 7
In a brick-red mushroom, the diameter of a smooth cap reaches 10 cm, the color of the cap in the center is first reddish-orange, later brick-red, yellowish along the edge. The plates are frequent, adherent to the stem, whitish, then gray-yellow and black-olive. Leg without ring. The flesh of the mushroom is white, in old ones it is yellowish, with an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste.
Step 8
In sulfur-yellow honey agarics, the cap is thin-fleshy, sulfur-yellow, in the center of a darker color, it can be with a reddish or orange tint, the diameter is about 2-5 cm. The plates are sulfur-yellow at first, later greenish-olive. The pulp of the mushroom is light yellow, the taste is bitter.
Step 9
Gray-lamellar mushrooms grow on the wood of conifers and are in many ways similar to sulfur-yellow ones. Some mushroom pickers classify them as edible mushrooms. The plates under the cap of these mushrooms are thin and frequent, at first light gray, later colored by mature spores in a darker, brownish-black color.