How To Make A Cannon Model

How To Make A Cannon Model
How To Make A Cannon Model

Table of contents:


Having a model cannon that really shoots, but is safe - isn't that a boy's dream? And some adults can play with her for hours. You can make such a model very quickly using the materials that are in every home.

How to make a cannon model
How to make a cannon model

It is necessary

  • Film can
  • Plank
  • Piezoelement from a lighter
  • Screwdriver, bits and drills
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Nippers
  • Insulated wires
  • Aerosol breath freshener


Step 1

Take two pieces of wire a few centimeters long and twist them into a cord. Strip both wires at each end of the cord.

Step 2

Drill a thin hole in the board. Pass one end of the cord through it. Separate the ends of the wires by two to three millimeters to make an arrester.

Step 3

Remove the lid from the film can. Drill three holes in this cover: one, in the center, for the cord, and two, on the sides, for self-tapping screws.

Step 4

Pass the cord through the middle hole so that the bottom touches the board. Press it against the board, and then secure it with two self-tapping screws.

Step 5

Drill a hole in the plank of such a diameter so that the piezoelectric element can be tightly fixed in it. Drill another small hole next to it.

Step 6

Insert one of the stripped wires of the opposite end of the cord into the hole for the piezoelectric element from the back of the board. Having installed the piezoelectric element, thereby fix this wire.

Step 7

Pass the other wire through the small hole. Connect it to the wire coming out of the piezoelectric element, if necessary, lightly strip it.

Step 8

Without touching the wires themselves, in order not to get a safe but unpleasant electric shock, press the piezoelectric element. A spark must pass through the arrester. Do this several times and make sure that the spark always leaps through. If this is not the case, reduce the distance between the electrodes.

Step 9

Test the cannon model. Sprinkle some breath freshener into the film can, then quickly slide it over the lid on the board. Positioned in such a way that the can, flying, does not hit your eye, press the piezoelectric element. Alcohol vapors in the can will ignite, and the can will fly into the ceiling. Do not test the cannon model in a room in which you are sorry to spoil the whitewashed ceiling.

Step 10

Find where the can fell, and then repeat the experiment.

Step 11

Consumables for the gun model are a breath freshener, as well as piezoelectric elements that fail after several hundred operations.
