How To Knit With Fur

How To Knit With Fur
How To Knit With Fur

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Fur products are not only warm and comfortable, but also symbolize wealth, wealth and chic. One of the ways to get a beautiful and original fur product is to knit a thing using pieces of fur in knitting. Such a thing will be affordable and unusual, and anyone who already has basic skills in the art of crocheting can master knitting with fur. In this way, you can knit anything - a hat, a scarf, a beautiful poncho or a stole. Any thing made of wool and fur will arouse the admiration and curiosity of others.

How to knit with fur
How to knit with fur


Step 1

To make a knitted fur hat, take a piece of good long fur, and then use a very sharp knife to carefully cut the fur into narrow long strips half a centimeter wide.

Step 2

Measure the circumference of your head and put the appropriate number of chain stitches on the hook. Knit in a simple spiral stitch using single crochet stitches in the first row, and in the second row, start using fur pieces.

Step 3

Use the fur to knit and crochet into a single crochet, then insert the crochet hook behind the fur and crochet again.

Step 4

Then repeat the same column without a piece of fur. Continue to knit the hat in a spiral, adding the required number of loops to expand the fabric, and alternate the stitches with the pieces of fur knitted in them with the stitches without fur.

Step 5

After finishing the second row, knit the third row completely without any fur. Tie the fourth row with fur pieces in the same way as the second. Then knit a row again without fur. Alternate rows with and without fur, and closer to the bottom of the hat, begin to decrease the loops and knit each column with fur, without alternating the columns in the row.

Step 6

In this way, you can knit a hat that is evenly covered with a thick layer of fluffy fur. Using fur pieces and strips, you can also vary the structure of the product by knitting the fabric with fur pom-poms, strips of fur of different colors, and so on.

Step 7

Another easy way to make a fur hat on a knitted basis is to knit a simple hat of yarn in advance, and then use a crochet or darning needle to pull out the pile of fur strips with which you braid the finished knitted fabrics. Add ponytails, tassels, beads and other accessories to your garment.
