Agree that a romantic candlelight dinner is great! But what is the romance, if everything is not framed as it should? I tend to believe that every object should carry beauty. For example, ordinary candles will be decorated with an original felt candlestick. And I propose to make this decor element ourselves.

It is necessary
- - glass jar;
- - thin felt;
- - tea candle;
- - decorative cord;
- - hole puncher;
- - a needle;
- - threads.
Step 1
Let's start making a candlestick. The first step is to carve out two pieces of felt: a circle and a rectangle. The diameter of the first should be 6, 5 centimeters, and the size of the second is 10x30 centimeters. The cut rectangle should be folded so that a ring is formed, and then sewn on a sewing machine. Then the resulting element must be pulled together with stitches so that its diameter becomes equal to the size of the first part, that is, the circle. Do not forget to step back 0.5 centimeters from the edge of the ring before the screed.

Step 2
Then you need to turn the sewn rectangle inside out and attach a circle to it. Sew the details so that a small bag is formed. At the end of sewing, turn the product to the right side.

Step 3
Next, take a glass jar of a suitable size and insert it into the resulting bag. Now, with the help of threads, you need to make tucks on the future candlestick.

Step 4
After the pins are ready, you need to pull out the glass jar, then use a hole punch to make holes throughout the candlestick. Thus, it will allow light to pass through.

Step 5
Upon completion of the perforation, you must re-insert the jar into the bag, put a tea candle in it and decorate the craft with a decorative cord. DIY felt candlestick is ready!