Topiary is a small original tree made from natural materials. Such nice little things successfully complement the interior and can become a unique gift.

Tools and materials
To create topiary from chestnuts you will need:
- large leaf red tea, - chestnuts, - newspapers, - thread for the crown, - glue-moment "Joiner", - hot glue gun, - water-based varnish, - pine stick, - brushes, - decorative paint in the shade "bronze", - twine, - ceramic pot, - plaster.
The sequence of creating topiary
Work begins with the formation of the crown of the future tree. For this purpose, you can use a dry pool ball, a foam ball, or make your own base from newspaper and thread. Take sheets of paper, crumple them into a ball of the required size. Glue the protruding parts with glue. To keep the ball in shape and gain strength, wrap it with thread. Then carefully cut a hole in the newspaper base with scissors, spread the threads, pour glue into the hole and insert a stick.
Prepare the plaster solution following the instructions on the package. When choosing a pot, pay attention to the fact that flower pots have a hole in the center, which must be sealed before pouring with plaster. Pour the plaster into the pot, wait for it to set for a while and insert it into the center of the barrel. Complete solidification of the material occurs within half an hour.
Wrap the surface of the pot with twine and secure the end with glue. To make the twine firmly anchored, glue it every 4–7 cm. The pot decorating procedure can be performed before the plaster is poured, but in this case the white mass is likely to get onto the decor.
Glue the chestnuts with a heat gun, starting from the top of the head. Fill the empty space between the chestnuts with red tea. To do this, dip a brush in glue, generously grease the seams between the chestnuts and cover with tea, lightly pressing it. Tweezers will be a reliable assistant in performing this work, with which you can glue individual tea leaves.
Paint the top of the pot with decorative paint in the color of bronze. Grease the surface of the plaster with glue and sprinkle generously with the tea leaves. Let the glue dry, turn the pot over and shave off any remaining tea leaves. Glue one chestnut directly into the pot for tea. Form curls from the twine and secure them to the pot. Use a paintbrush to paint them in coffee color.
If the idea of creating a topiary from chestnuts was born on the eve of the New Year holidays, give it a winter flavor. Take a silver paint and apply to the surface of the entire tree. For decoration, use a tulle bow, which can also be dyed with silver.