Horse chestnut is a tree that grows on the territory of Russia. Its fruits - nuts, chained in a prickly peel - are inedible, but they contain powerful energy and a variety of magical powers. The branches and bark of the tree are also endowed with magical properties. Chestnut amulets and charms work perfectly for 2-3 years, after which they are depleted and require that they be replaced with new ones.

The chestnut tree exudes a strong energy that moves swiftly and decisively. Therefore, the magical artifacts created from this plant begin to work as soon as they get to their new owner. People who are accustomed to a quiet and measured life are not recommended to use chestnut as a personal talisman.
This tree has a connection with the Sun and the fire element. By its nature, it is selfish and narcissistic. This means that it is unlikely to get a burst of energy from the chestnut. However, it can provide some support in times of stress and excessive nervous tension.
Chestnut nuts or products made from this tree are worth having in the house for people who were born in May or November. The plant will have a particularly strong magical effect on them.
It is worth remembering that if the chestnut is used as a means to destroy negative energy in the house, it cannot be stored for a long time. The plant very willingly absorbs everything bad, it feeds on negative feelings and experiences. But when the whole space and every member of the family is "cleansed", the chestnut begins to draw out vitality and suppress positive emotions. Therefore, it is important to get rid of him in time, thanking him for support and help.
The main magical properties of horse chestnut
The sun tree has a penchant for healing. It quickly relieves of slight malaise, "heals" the human biofield, has a positive effect on the nervous system and psyche. If you make a necklace from peeled chestnut nuts, it will heal from diseases affecting the thyroid gland.
Chestnut amulets strongly influence the character and personality of the person who wears them. They get rid of self-criticism, add selfishness, make you take more care of your own health and well-being, and not about the fate of other people.

It is worth seeking help from a horse chestnut when there is a suspicion that a person has been harassed or damaged. The tree also helps from the evil eye, curses, dry spells, love spells. Chestnut fruits are suitable for making home amulets from them. They will protect from evil forces, unkind people, from various troubles and troubles.
Horse chestnut products are used to attract success, luck, prosperity and prosperity to the home. The magical properties of the plant are also manifested in the fact that the chestnut interrupts the "black line" in life.
Chestnut talismans inspire inspiration. They are suitable for people who are engaged in creativity, but find themselves in a situation where the muse is gone, and fantasy does not work at all. A tree that has absorbed solar energy will help you think creatively, look at banal events from unexpected angles.
With the help of chestnut fruits, endowed with magical properties, you can attract favorable changes in life. They will support the person who has decided to leave the familiar comfort zone and go in search of adventure.
Be sure to have chestnut amulets with you for people prone to depression, melancholy, obsessive thoughts and anxiety. Chestnut, having absorbed all the negativity, will help you feel harmony in your soul and heart, and will charge you with optimism. It will also strengthen intuition, make dreams vivid and dynamic, and develop emotional intelligence.
Chestnut loves to be treated with respect and attention. It is necessary more often to hold in your hands amulets and charms created from this natural material, to talk with them, to exchange energies. You should never accept horse chestnuts as a gift. They should be collected on their own, while being in a cheerful state and in a favorable mood.