The mosaic technique involves creating an image from small pieces that are glued to a surface. On an industrial scale, stone or glass is used for this purpose; at home, craftswomen have found use for cereals, buttons, pieces of plasticine, colored paper and eggshells. The latter is very popular because it does not require special costs. This type of mosaic is known as "crackle".

Tools and materials
Before using the eggshell, immerse it for 3-4 minutes in a 5% baking soda solution, rinse well in running cool water.
To create a mosaic masterpiece, you can use the shells of boiled and raw eggs. The main condition is thorough removal of the inner film. If you come across a stamped shell, set it aside. In the future, it will be difficult to paint it even in a dark color. After Easter, you can use dyed shells or paint yourself. To do this, use quick-drying paints.
Grind the painted and dried shells with a baking rolling pin. To prevent the shell from sticking to the rolling pin during the process, place it between the sheets of paper. The size of the elements is determined by the size of the image itself. Too large elements on a small mosaic look untidy, and too small ones do not give the necessary effect.
In addition to the shell, the work will require:
- pencil
- brushes
- PVA glue
- sandpaper
- tweezers
- stationery knife
- varnish
- paint
- the basis for the mosaic.
Egg shell application
Prepare the surface before proceeding with the actual mosaic application. If a finished wooden product is to be finished, treat it with fine sandpaper, paint it in the desired color with acrylic paints. If you plan to create a painting on cardboard, give the sheet the desired shape. Can you draw? Excellent! Draw a drawing on the surface with a pencil. If your talent is not artistic, use printed and cut stencils.
Spread a small area of the surface with PVA glue, put pieces of eggshell on it. As in a traditional mosaic, start laying out with large elements, then place smaller ones between them. The more colors you use, the brighter and more attractive your mosaic will be. A reliable assistant in neat laying out of mosaic elements will be thin tweezers. To prevent the parts from protruding beyond the boundaries of the drawing, carefully correct them with a knife or razor. After completing one section, move on to the next. After completing the work, cover the surface with varnish.
Decoupage on egg mosaic
An attractive finish or painting can be created not only by dyeing the eggshell, but also using the decoupage technique.
On the selected object, glue the elements of the egg mosaic, after drying, cover with white acrylic paint. Apply a layer of PVA glue to the surface and lay the chosen motif. Most often, three-layer napkins are used for decoupage, using only the top color layer. If you are working on a rounded object, cut the napkin into several pieces. Apply a layer of glue on top of the napkin, moving with a brush from the center to the edges. At the end of the work, cover the product with varnish.