The martial arts of Japanese ninja warriors have long fascinated people and have been featured in a wide variety of art - both in painting and cinematography, as well as in role-playing games, theatrical performances, and even in children's performances. The image of a ninja is inherently associated with an unusual and graceful weapon, one of the popular types of which is the throwing knife - the shuriken. You will hardly be able to see a real shuriken in reality, but you can create a toy shuriken out of paper.

Step 1
Take a square piece of paper and fold it horizontally. Then unfold the sheet and fold the top and bottom edges to the center line of the fold. Bend the resulting figure again in half along the midline of the fold, so that you have a long narrow rectangle in your hands.
Step 2
Fold the upper left corner down, aligning it with the bottom line of the rectangle, and fold the lower right corner up in the same way, aligning it with the upper edge of the rectangle. Bend both edges of the resulting workpiece obliquely - bend the left edge diagonally upward, and the right edge diagonally downward.
Step 3
As a result, you should have a shape that resembles two triangles, placed vertically and offset from each other, having a common line at the base. Crafted the first Paper Shuriken Module.
Step 4
Repeat all the described actions to fold the second exactly the same module, but bend the corners in the second part opposite to the corners of the first part - the triangles of the second module should be mirrored with respect to the triangles of the first module.
Step 5
Flip the second piece over and place the first piece on top of it. In the resulting pockets of the upper part, thread the corners of the lower part and turn the figure over. On the opposite side, also thread the corners into the pockets. A paper throwing star - shuriken - is ready.