How To Care For The Hamedorea Palm Tree

How To Care For The Hamedorea Palm Tree
How To Care For The Hamedorea Palm Tree

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The Hamedorea palm is also called the bamboo palm because its trunk resembles the trunk of a bamboo.

The native land of this palm is the mountainous regions of Mexico and South America. In nature, they grow to a small size, up to 2 meters high. The trunk thickness is up to 3 cm. This is such a miniature multi-stemmed mountain palm. In room conditions it grows up to 90 - 120 cm in height, grows rather slowly.

How to care for the Hamedorea palm tree
How to care for the Hamedorea palm tree


Step 1

Hamedorea is an unpretentious plant that feels great in a room.

The plant prefers partial shade, it can even grow in the shade. Direct sunlight is contraindicated.

Step 2

Temperature conditions. He does not like high temperatures, since at home it grows in mountainous forest areas. In summer, the desired temperature is 18 - 22 degrees, and in winter, chamedorea should be kept at a temperature of 16-20 degrees.

Step 3

As a resident of a tropical rainforest, he loves high air humidity, so frequent spraying is encouraged. In the summer, you need to spray the plant two to three times a day, and in the winter a couple of times a week. It is useful to place containers with water next to a palm tree for additional air humidification.

Step 4

In summer, watering should be abundant so that the soil dries up only a little before the next watering. In winter, water depending on the air temperature: the lower the temperature, the less often you water. The soil lump should dry out between waterings. It is very important not to flood the plant. The overflow of the plant is evidenced by darkening of the leaves and decay. Drying tips of leaves can tell about underfilling. Underfilling is much easier to fix than overflow.

Step 5

Fertilizer. It is better to fertilize the Hamedorea palm with a special fertilizer for palm trees or ornamental foliage plants on summer days. No need to fertilize in winter, dormant period.

Step 6

As a potting mix, you can use ready-made palm mix. If one was not found, then prepare such a mixture yourself: one part of peat, two parts of humus leafy earth, plus one part of sand. Add some charcoal.

Step 7

How often should the plants be replanted?

Young plants are transferred to a slightly larger container once a year in the spring. The plant must not be buried. After transplanting into the next pot, the soil level should remain the same. In adulthood, the plants are transplanted into a larger pot once every three years.

Step 8

This ornamental plant propagates by seeds, dividing the bush and root suckers. The seeds quickly lose their germination after harvesting. When buying, you need to be sure that the seeds are fresh. In addition, the seed can germinate for a very long time, up to 6 months.

Therefore, it is better to propagate the plant by dividing the bush during the spring transplant.
