How To Care For A Palm Tree

How To Care For A Palm Tree
How To Care For A Palm Tree

Palm is a very common indoor plant that is widely used for interior decoration. The palm tree can grow up to several meters in height, but home-grown specimens do not reach this size.

How to care for a palm tree
How to care for a palm tree

Palm is a rather unpretentious plant, caring for it is simple, so it is often found both in homes and in public institutions. However, not a single plant will do without attention, so you need to know how to care for a palm tree.

Naturally, palms usually grow in tropical or subtropical climates, often in close proximity to sea coasts. At home, the palm tree should be placed in a bright place with sufficient access to fresh air. In winter, of course, a palm tree can only be indoors, but in summer it is recommended to take it out into the open air - on a balcony, in a garden, etc. On especially hot days, it should be placed in the shade or artificially created over it. Palm trees do not tolerate drought well, therefore it is necessary to maintain a sufficient degree of air humidity. To do this, next to the palm tree, you can put a tank with water, or you can use special air humidifiers.

The soil for a palm tree should not be waterlogged: in summer it is moistened every other day, in winter no more than once a week. With excessive moisture, the root of the palm tree and the base of the stem begin to rot. In summer, a weak solution of floral or organic fertilizers should be added to the soil every two weeks. This is practically all that needs to be done to care for a palm tree.

A young palm tree is transplanted annually (in spring or autumn), an adult plant can be transplanted once every two to three years. For transplantation, a special soil mixture is prepared: it includes two parts of sod land, two parts of leaf, one part of humus and one part of sand.

Reproduction of a palm tree in indoor conditions is extremely difficult, since seed germination requires constant heating of the soil and high humidity.
