How To Knit A Scarf Spiral

How To Knit A Scarf Spiral
How To Knit A Scarf Spiral

Spiral scarf is also called boa scarf, wave scarf. The main thing here is not the type of yarn, not the knitting pattern and not the color of the finished product, but the technique of execution and the originality of the model. The spiral scarf embodies festivity, splendor, solemnity. It looks like an elegant lace frill, an exotic boa, and an ordinary, but very original scarf.

How to knit a scarf spiral
How to knit a scarf spiral

How to knit a spiral scarf with knitting needles

To knit a spiral scarf, cast on 24 loops on the needles and knit the 1st row:

- 1 edge loop;

- 11 facial;

- 12 purl loops.

The quality and color of the yarn for this spiral scarf is up to you.

Then knit according to this pattern.

1st row: first 1 edge loop, then 1 yarn over, then 1 front loop, then 1 yarn over and 8 front loops. Remove one on the right needle as purl, pull the thread between the needles forward. Return the removed loop to the left knitting needle, pull the thread between the knitting needles back (in this case, the loop will turn out to be a wrapped thread). Turn the work over and knit 12 purl stitches.

2nd row: first knit 1 hem, then 1 yarn, then knit 3 front loops, 1 yarn and 6 front loops. Remove one on the right needle as purl, pull the thread between the needles forward. Next, return the loop to the left knitting needle, pull the thread back between the knitting needles, then turn the work and knit 12 purl loops.

3rd row: knit 1 edge loop, then 2 loops together with the front one, then 1 loops, then 2 loops together with the front and 4 front loops. Remove one on the right knitting needle as purl, pull the thread between the needles forward, return the loop to the left knitting needle, then pull the thread between the needles back. After that, turn the work and knit 8 purl loops.

4th row: knit 1 hem, then 3 loops together with the front one, then 4 front loops, * get the wrapped loop from below and knit together with the next front one, 1 front * (repeat knitting from * to * 3 times). Without turning the work over, tie the purl loops.

Thus, knit the spiral scarf to the required length in blocks of these 4 rows.

How to crochet a spiral scarf

A very fashionable accessory for women is a crocheted spiral scarf trimmed with ribbon-like yarn. This yarn can be used both in a similar tone and in a contrasting one.

When crocheting a spiral scarf, the main thing is to correctly calculate the amount of yarn, since the scarf is knitted along the entire length at once.

This product is easy to knit. For work, take hook # 6. Cast on a chain of air loops 140 centimeters long (this will be the approximate length of your scarf).

Next, knit the 1st row: single crochet in each loop, and in the place of rotation 2 columns into a loop. Tie a circle.

2nd row: knit 2 double crochets in a loop, in the next loop - a double crochet, and at the turning point three double crochets into a loop.

3rd row: knit 2 double crochets in each loop, and at the pivot point three double crochets into a loop.

Your stylish DIY knitted designer accessory is ready.