Marina Tsvetaeva is a great poet with a very tragic fate. Her life was short, but in addition to poetic fame and recognition of the worldwide literary community, she managed to experience family happiness: Marina was a loving wife and mother. She gave birth to three children, but two of them died too early.

Ariadne Efron
Marina Tsvetaeva got married very early - at the time of the wedding she was 19. The chosen one, Sergei Efron, was a year younger than the bride. Both came from intelligent and very wealthy families, the future of the family seemed absolutely cloudless. In addition, the young couple were passionately in love with each other.
In 1912, a daughter was born, who was named by the poetic name Ariadne. Happy Marina plunged into motherhood, the entire household side completely trusted the servants. The girl grew up smart, sociable, grew up quickly and made her parents happy. In addition, she was very attractive, Tsvetaeva took her daughter with her everywhere and was very proud of such an unusual child.
After the revolution, the life of the family changed dramatically. My father went to the front, Marina and Alya barely survived in hungry Moscow. Later they managed to emigrate. Moving first to Prague and then to Paris. Ariadne changed many schools, her education was unsystematic, but her mother studied a lot with her at home.
As a teenager, Alya became interested in politics, warmly supported her father, who admired Soviet Russia. In 1937, the girl decided to return to her homeland. She quickly found a job, wrote enthusiastic letters to her parents. Soon, Ariadne had a loved one. However, after 2 years she was accused of working for foreign intelligence and arrested. Alya spent several months in prison, and then she was sentenced to exile. She was able to return to normal life only after 15 years. By that time, from the small family of Efronov-Tsvetaev, she was alone. Ariadne did not marry (her beloved was shot after the war), she had no children.
Irina Efron
The second daughter was born in 1917, when Sergei was at the front. The time was truly terrible: hungry, dangerous. Marina was left alone with two children in the gloomy Moscow of the times of war communism.

Irina was very different from her older sister. Outwardly, they were similar. But in the youngest there was no brilliance and beauty of Ariadne. Marina admitted that she had no feelings for her little daughter - she performed maternal responsibilities, but there was no love. The sisters of Sergei Efron offered to take the baby to them. But Tsvetaeva refused. She decided to place both daughters in an orphanage - there the children at least ate every day. After a while, she took Ariadne home: the girl fell ill with malaria. Nursing daughter. Marina forgot about Ira and did not even visit her. In the harsh winter of 1920, the girl died of a fever.
George Efron
The only, long-awaited and adored son of Tsvetaeva was born in exile, in 1925. The parents lived in Prague, but soon after the birth of the heir they moved to Paris. Marina fell in love with her son as soon as she first saw him. Surprisingly, the child and the mother had an almost portrait resemblance, while both of his sisters were born in the Efron breed. The boy was very large, active, his mother had no doubt that a wonderful fate awaited him.

By the time of the birth of George (who quickly received the affectionate family nickname Moore), Ariadne was already old enough, so she did not feel jealous of her brother. Marina, however, completely dissolved in her son, fulfilled his every desire, took him everywhere with her. Many guests were shocked by the boy's too free manners and a complete lack of upbringing. However, Tsvetaeva raised him - but in her own manner, devoting maximum time to intellectual development. Many considered him spoiled, but the mother seemed to have a presentiment of the tragic future of her son and tried to provide him with the happiest childhood.
When the father and older sister began to prepare to leave for Russia, Moore warmly supported them. He dreamed of a country he knew nothing about, avidly read the newspapers that he could get in Paris, persuaded his mother not to delay leaving. She doubted to the last, intuitively guessing that the return would not bring happiness. However, under the pressure of other family members, she surrendered.
Marina and George came to Russia in 1939. At first they lived in the dacha of the NKVD, allocated to them as "returnees". After the arrest of her husband and daughter, Tsvetaeva moved to Moscow, Moore went to high school. He was very independent, studied well, was engaged in drawing, wrote a lot. The diary of George Efron has survived, it is full of not only everyday notes. but also very deep reflections on the past and the future.
The family's future turned out to be bleak. At the beginning of the war, Marina and her son were evacuated and ended up in Elabuga. They lived very hard, poorly adapted to life, Tsvetaeva was confused, broken, frightened. The only thing that kept her was the desire to take care of her son. However, she did not last long. After the tragic death of his mother, Moore left for Central Asia, finished his studies. In 1944, George turned 18, he was drafted to the front and died very quickly.