Jane Fonda is a popular American actress, writer, producer and model. The admiration of fans is caused not only by Fonda's successful career, but also by her impeccable appearance - in her mature years, the actress retains a slender figure and willingly shares her beauty secrets.

Childhood and youth

The future movie star was born into a difficult family - her father was the brilliant Henry Fonda. Unfortunately, the girl's mother passionately dreamed of her son, not showing much love for the baby. Despite the outward well-being, Jane's early childhood was not cloudless - her mother constantly nagged at her, and her father was too busy with his own career. Later, the girl admitted that many of her problems and complexes come from childhood. For a long time Jane was sure of her own unattractiveness and awkwardness - her mother never tired of reminding her of this.
At the age of 9, the girl experienced the first strong shock - in a fit of mental disorder, her mother committed suicide. Henry Fonda soon married again, his stepmother managed to establish a warm relationship with the child, so that the situation in the family gradually returned to normal.
After graduating from high school, Jane was not sure what to do. To begin with, she entered a privileged college for girls, and later left to study painting in Paris. Returning, she worked as a fashion model, continuing to study art and practice in foreign languages.
Meeting with director Lee Strasberg, held in 1958, turned out to be fateful. It was he who advised young Jane to try herself as an actress and taught her the basics of skill. After two years of training at the Strasberg studio, the Foundation received an extremely tempting offer for an aspiring actress - the main role in the movie "The Incredible Story." True, evil tongues argued that such a privilege was not so much a recognition of the talent of the young actress as a courtesy towards her father. The film was directed by Henry's good friend Joshua Logan. The film did not receive much press attention, and the role of Jane went almost unnoticed.
Fate gave a second chance after 2 years. In 1992, Fonda starred in the movie A Walk on the Wild Side. Critics noted the attractive appearance of the young actress and condescendingly praised her professional qualities. However, the next film was a real flop - for her role as a housewife in the film "The Chapman Report" Jane received the unflattering title of the worst actress of the year. Critics made it clear that serious work was beyond her power, the lot of a spectacular blonde was the role of silly sexy beauties in budget comedy films.

After failing in Hollywood, Fonda moved to Paris. An acquaintance with Roger Vadim became a turning point in his career. The director became the first husband of the actress and provided her with work. The result of the "Parisian period" was several roles in Vadim's paintings, which enjoyed the approval of the public and critics. The audience loved the actress's appearance, her American accent, relaxedness and style. However, no serious dramatic roles were foreseen. The result was a return to the United States and a fateful offer from Sidney Pollack - a role in the movie "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" The actress brilliantly coped with a difficult role and was nominated for "Okar", but did not receive the coveted statuette.
The Foundation itself considered the 70s the most productive for itself. They began with the first Oscars and Golden Globes for Klute, followed by a Golden Globe in Julia in 1976 and a second Oscar for the lead role in Homecoming.

Simultaneously with the filming of the Foundation, she was engaged in producing, together with her second husband, she actively participated in politics. In 1984, Jane won the most prestigious television Emmy award for Best Actress in The Puppet Master. In the 90s, the actress announced her retirement from the big cinema, but in 2005 she returned with a bright and memorable work in the comedy film “My mother-in-law is a monster”. Jennifer Lopez became the co-star in the film.
Another unusual page in Jane Fonda's life is associated with sports. The actress has created her own aerobics system suitable for beginners. The program was an incredible success and brought the actress a fortune. Fonda recorded TV programs, published books, opened a network of gyms that actively promote the new system.
Personal life
Effective, active, charismatic Fonda has never suffered from a lack of male attention. She was married three times, but today she remains single and free.

The first husband of the actress was the French director Roger Vadim. The marriage lasted 8 years, and the Foundation returned to the USA with her little daughter Vanessa. Jane has a son from her second marriage to politician and businessman Tom Hayden. The second husband involved the actress in active political activities, but already in 1990 the couple broke up.
The third marriage with telemogue Ted Turner lasted 10 years. The result is predictable - betrayal of the spouse and divorce. Despite the setbacks in family life, the actress managed to maintain good relations with all her ex-husbands. The son and daughter continued the traditions of the Foundation family. Vanessa became a successful producer, Tom found himself in an acting career.
Today Jane lives alone, but does not feel lonely. She writes books, travels, loves to meet with children and grandchildren, willingly gives interviews, where she talks not only about her career, but also about the secrets of her own unfading beauty.