Fans of the popular cartoon "The Lion King" in 2019 will be able to watch its updated version. The film with the painted animals amazes with the realism of the image and special effects. Russian viewers will see it in theaters from July 18, 2019.

"The Lion King": release
The Lion King is a modern remake of the 1994 classic. The new animated cartoon is directed by Jon Favreau. Script writers: Jeff Nathanson, Brenda Chapman, Irene Mecchi. Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Billy Eikner, John Oliver, Keegan-Michael Key, Beyonce participated in the voice acting of the film. Elton John worked on the soundtrack of the remake, as well as the classic cartoon. The picture will appear in the world box office on July 17, 2019. Russian viewers will be able to see the cartoon in cinemas from July 18, 2019.
The plot of the cartoon
The plot of the new "The Lion King" is already familiar to many viewers from the cult cartoon released in 1994. But this does not mean that people who have watched the classic cartoon will not be interested in the new version. The director added a lot of original moments. Some of the main characters have had their names changed. Added special effects that you could only dream of 25 years ago.

Lion Mufasa skillfully ruled the animal kingdom passed on to him. He always wanted peace to reign among the animals and everyone to live well. Mufasa was distinguished by justice and kindness. Together with his wife Sarabi, they were very happy to have a new family member. The lion cub Simba was introduced to all the animals.

The aged primate Sambe immediately suggested that in the future Mufasa would need to retire and give up his throne to the strengthened Simba. Brother Mufase Shram did not agree with this state of affairs. He had long wanted to become a king and overthrow his relative. For this, Scar came up with another meanness. He went to the hyenas and asked them for help. Scar did not love anyone and only wanted to take the coveted throne, to become famous.
He set a trap for Simba, due to which Mufasa died tragically. Due to the deception of his uncle, the tiny lion cub lost his father and decided to run away from his native places. Simba was very depressed, as he believed that dad died because of him. The lion cub didn't want to have anything to do with animal control anymore.
Reviews about the cartoon "The Lion King"
"The Lion King" has not yet been released, but critics have already made their own reviews about it and praised it quite highly. The cartoon should appeal not only to children, but also to adults. It is done very professionally and with high quality. Adult viewers will have the opportunity to remember their carefree childhood and once again enjoy their favorite cartoon, but in a new version.
"The Lion King" is not only beautiful pictures, great sound, but also a cautionary tale about family values, love and betrayal. The film has a deep meaning.
If you compare the 1994 and 2019 Lion King cartoons, you can clearly imagine how far modern technology has advanced. In the new movie, all the characters look very realistic. Animals drawn using computer graphics were not to everyone's taste. Some viewers, after watching the trailer, decided that the old cartoon was much kinder and more sincere. But the final opinion about the new "The Lion King" can only be made after full viewing.