Amazonite is a stone that resembles sea water in appearance. According to one of the versions, it got its name from the deepest river in the world. The mineral is not expensive. It gained its popularity due to the amazing pattern. Magical and medicinal properties played a significant role.

It is still unknown when exactly the Amazonite stone was found. It is impossible to say for certain how exactly the mineral got its name. There are several versions.
- The gem was first discovered near the Amazon, which is why it got its name. However, this option was later refuted. Near the full-flowing river, you can find jade, which outwardly resembles, but is not amazonite.
- The second version says that the stone was used by the Amazons. They put it in jewelry, believing that it adds courage and confidence to them. Therefore, the gem was subsequently named after the warriors.
Magical properties
Amazonite has a wide range of amazing qualities. There is an opinion that with its help one can discover the ability of clairvoyance in oneself. In addition, with the help of an amulet made of amazonite, magicians tried to contact the souls of the dead. Therefore, the gem was popular with shamans.
There are magical properties that ordinary citizens can use.
- With the help of a gem, you can see a prophetic dream. For this, it is recommended to put the mineral under the pillow.
- The crystal greatly enhances intuition.
- With the help of the mineral, you can become more self-confident. The stone also adds decisiveness.
- Getting rid of excessive anxiety is another useful property of amazonite. It will help to cope with negative thoughts.
- An amulet with a mineral will drive away evil spirits.
- The gem will help smooth out negative character traits. Therefore, it is recommended to acquire it for hot-tempered people, egoists and those who are too proud to make the right decisions.
- Amazonite will help you make new friends.
The stone is ideal for people who like to dig themselves and self-criticize. With its help, you will be able to find love for yourself. Amazonite is perfect for women. He will attract good luck into their life.
Amazonite can act as a family amulet. With its help, it will be possible to avoid scandals and betrayals.
Healing properties
Amazonite will be useful not only in magical practices. According to lithotherapists, a stone can be used to heal. The main healing property is the restoration of vital energy.
Much will depend on the product. If you buy a pendant or a ring, amazonite will help to normalize the work of the glands and internal organs. Earrings with a stone have a beneficial effect on the function of the hearing aid.

Amazonite is able to regenerate tissue and relieve muscle pain. According to lithotherapists, it can be used to stop the growth of cancer cells.
The stone is recommended:
- if you have problems with being overweight;
- if you constantly have problems with the skin;
- if a person suffers from epilepsy;
- if there is arthrosis and osteochondrosis;
- in the presence of thyroid dysfunction.
Amazonite is a stone that will help to cope with many problems. With it, you can do acupressure. To fully understand all the healing properties of amazonite, you should seek help from experienced lithotherapists.
Who is it suitable for?
Amazonite is recommended to be worn:
- Too hot-tempered people. With the help of a talisman, they will be able to maintain composure in a stressful situation. Amazonite will help you make an informed, deliberate decision. It is advisable to wear a ring or bracelet with a stone.
- Elderly people. Amazonite is known to have anti-aging properties. It will give its owner energy.
- Married women. In ancient times, the Slavs gave an amazonite product to brides.
Amazonite will suit absolutely all zodiac signs. It will attract luck and money into the life of the owner. He will be able to strengthen willpower and add decisiveness, confidence. With its help, quarrels and conflicts can be avoided. Amazonite will be a wonderful amulet for any person.
But all the properties of the stone can be used only if he independently chooses his owner. Perhaps, when wearing, you will feel a lack of strength, apathy, anxiety. In this situation, amazonite should be discarded.