Homemade snowmen will decorate your New Year's holiday, and making them will bring you many pleasant minutes spent in creativity. Using such an accessible and simple material as paper for work, you can involve children in the work. This will not only help develop their fine motor skills, but also spur imagination.

It is necessary
- - A4 white paper;
- - plasticine;
- - pencils, markers;
- - beads;
- - PVA glue.
Step 1
Prepare paper for making a snowman. For the largest bottom lump, you will need two A4 white sheets. Take one and crumple it into a ball. Then gently spread it on the table, smooth it out with your hands, turning it back into a sheet.
Step 2
Repeat the creasing and smoothing procedure several times. Squeeze the crumpled paper firmly in your palms, making it soft and pliable. Repeat the same process with the second white sheet.
Step 3
Form the bottom ball for the snowman out of crumpled paper. With the sheet flattened on the table, start tucking all the sides and corners inward. Then squeeze the ball tightly in your palms. Place it in the center of the second wrinkled sheet and repeat the folding process, gradually wrapping the inner ball. You have a voluminous bottom lump.
Step 4
Make two more clumps in the same way, each from one sheet of white paper. This will be the middle of the snowman and his head. To form the hands of your craft, make two small lumps by cutting one A4 sheet in half and crushing the balls from the resulting pieces.
Step 5
Assemble the snowman from the paper balls. Install a large ball, grease it in the center with PVA glue and attach the second ball, press it firmly to fix the position. Then glue the snowman's head and two handles to the middle coma.
Step 6
Form a carrot from a piece of red or orange plasticine and stick it to the snowman's head. This will be the nose. The mouth and eyes can be made from plasticine or drawn with felt-tip pens or pencils.
Step 7
Place a bucket or cap on the snowman's head by rolling them out of colored paper. To make a bucket, glue the colored rectangle into a cylinder, and roll into a bag for the cap. Glue the decoration with glue.
Step 8
The snowman can be additionally decorated. Glue beads or shiny pebbles to the paper lumps that make up the snowman's body, draw snowflakes with felt-tip pens, sprinkle with glitter varnish.