In every school, stands play a very prominent role in the educational process. After all, students see these images constantly, therefore, the information depicted on them should be understandable, and interesting, and useful for schoolchildren. How to arrange stands so that they are valuable both from an aesthetic and educational point of view, and besides Did the schoolchildren like it?

Step 1
First of all, you need to decide how exactly you will decorate the stands: on the topic of a certain subject or with an eye on the audience that studies in the office (for example, junior schoolchildren).
Step 2
If these are stands where information on a specific subject will be provided, then ask the profile teacher to prepare the necessary and, in his opinion, interesting information for the stands. The information should be useful to the teacher in the process of conducting classes, because the stands are a kind of visual aid.
Step 3
The main design of the stands will be drawings and inscriptions. Some of them can be prepared by professional artists. Please note that the stands are designed with an eye to long-term use, so it is important to think carefully about everything so that both in terms of style and the information provided at the stands, they are modern and attractive.
Step 4
At the stands dedicated to the relevant subjects, it is quite possible to provide a place for a permanent mini-exhibition of the best works of students.
Some of the information on the stands may change from time to time. To do this, glue special "pockets" to the stands, which can be made from ordinary files. They will be loaded with printed paper.
Step 5
The information on the stands should never be monotonous. Try to come up with rubrics that will interest your students. For example, it can be headings "Interesting facts", "Inexplicable, but a fact", "Few numbers." It's good if there is a little humor in some of the information.
Step 6
Please note that the stands should be designed taking into account the activity of the students. Therefore, it is better to use waterproof paint, and choose the material for the stands so that it is as easy as possible to wash and clean them.
Step 7
You can also order stands in firms of a certain profile, which will provide you with ready-made boards, guided by your wishes. It is easy to add information to such stands on separately printed sheets.