How To Make Doll Stands

How To Make Doll Stands
How To Make Doll Stands

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Every puppet master, finishing his creation, wants the doll not just to lie or sit on a shelf, but to be able to stand proudly, not leaning on walls or other vertical surfaces. To make the toy stand firmly on its own two feet, you need to make a stand. It usually has a stable wooden base with a vertical stand on which the doll rests.

How to make doll stands
How to make doll stands

It is necessary

  • - wooden base;
  • - wire or wooden plank for the stand.


Step 1

Make a wooden base. Almost any flat block of wood will work for it. The most important thing is that it has the dimensions and mass that fit the parameters of the doll. Sand the top and bottom edges of the workpiece, then grind the sides. Usually the base is in the shape of a circle, less often a rectangle.

Step 2

If you are using a wooden plank as a support post, drill a hole in the middle of the base. The stand itself is a piece of wood (plank) with a metal ring on it. It is on it that the doll is attached. Secure the ring to the bar. To do this, you also need to drill a small hole in it through which the ends of the wire will be passed.

Step 3

Varnish the base plate. Lubricate the lower end of the rack-bar with glue, then insert it into the base. Make sure the joint is glued firmly enough so that it won't fall apart in case of minor impact.

Step 4

If you use metal elements for mounting as a rack, then the easiest way for them is to take a three-core copper wire with a diameter of 6. It is used to connect washing machines, so finding such a wire will not be difficult. Remove the winding and separate the wire into individual strands, then twist 2 or 3 of them, depending on the weight of the doll.

Step 5

Drill two holes in the wooden base for the wire, insert it so that you get an inverted U, the ends of which are in the wooden stand. The wire can be secured using a special curing adhesive.

Step 6

The doll stand is usually decorated to make it look more natural. You can hide it among the doll's clothes, for example, under a long dress. Another option: to trim the stand in accordance with the character of the doll, for example, imitate a wooden fence or paint the stand under a stone - it all depends on the image of the doll and on your imagination.
