Having the skills of processing photos in Photoshop, you can easily achieve the most unusual and original effects that will bring your photos closer to the work of professionals and will attract the surprised looks of others. Black and white photographs look extraordinary and beautiful, in which one of the depicted elements remains in color.

Step 1
Open the photo for editing in Photoshop. Open the Select menu and select the Color range section. The settings window will open - click on the color object of the photo that you want to select.
Step 2
Adjust the Color range settings until you can see a complete part of the photo in the selection - for example, if you want to leave a colored neckerchief or dress, make sure that these fragments are completely selected. Click OK.
Step 3
Create a new layer and add a vector mask to the layer. On the vector mask, you will see the selection created above in the Color range, which will be separated from the main part of the photo during editing, while remaining unchanged.
Step 4
Go to the bottom layer and apply a gradient to it. To do this, open the Image menu, select Adjustments and then select the Gradient map subsection in the list that opens.
Step 5
In the Gradient options, check the Reverse value and set a smooth transition of the gradient from black to white. Click OK and see how the photo has changed.
Step 6
Zoom in and carefully examine it for unnecessary color fragments - in addition to the fragment selected at the beginning, other areas of the photo could have a similar shade, so they could also fall into the selection of the vector mask.
Step 7
To get rid of unnecessary color fragments and make them, like others, black and white, take the Eraser tool and erase unnecessary selection fragments in the layer with the mask.