How To Knit Round

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How To Knit Round
How To Knit Round

Video: How To Knit Round

Video: How To Knit Round
Video: Knitting in the Round for Beginners 2024, October

Knitted items such as socks, mittens, gloves and even sweaters are more convenient and practical to perform without seams. To do this, they are knitted round with five knitting needles for small items or circular (ring) knitting needles with a flexible connection for large ones. Circular knitting is very convenient because even if the child has grown up, you can always knit the sleeves and the bottom of the product to the required length.

How to knit round
How to knit round

It is necessary

  • - threads;
  • - 2 sets of circular knitting needles or line needles.


Step 1

For circular knitting on five knitting needles, cast on the required number of loops on two of them. Distribute them in equal parts over four knitting needles. With this method of knitting, you can dial the initial row not on two folded knitting needles, but on 4 pairs of knitting needles. At the same time, for each pair of knitting needles, dial a certain number of loops, so that in the end they get the required number. Using the fifth knitting needle, close the circle. Pull one needle at a time from the pair and knit the loops. This method is convenient in that the loops of the first row lie evenly and do not stretch. For this set only, take 2 sets of needles of the same diameter.

Step 2

Position the knitting needles with loops so that the square comes out and the edge of the dialed loops should be inside it. When knitting, make sure that the loops of the initial row do not twist around the needles. Use a plastic paper clip or colored thread to mark the beginning and end of the row. Fasten it between the first and last stitches of the set and the fifth knitting needle, start knitting in a circle. During knitting, each free needle becomes a working one, i.e. fifth. Knitting in a circle can be done with four knitting needles, only then distribute the loops equally on three knitting needles, and the fourth will be working.

Step 3

To prevent the first and last loops of the row from moving apart, forming a hole, tie the end of the thread that remains from the set of both loops and the working thread. Work several stitches from the fourth knitting needle, having previously marked the beginning of the row. After that, turn on the fifth knitting needle and then knit loops with it, alternately replacing the first, second, third and fourth. Work two rows in this way without changing the location of the loops. After making sure that the outer loops are firmly connected to each other, return to the first knitting needle those of them that were previously moved to the fourth knitting needle, focusing on the mark.

Step 4

If the main knitting will consist of ornaments or stripes, do not remove the label, it will come in handy when you need to move to another row or yarn of a different color. Move the mark vertically while knitting.
