How Easy It Is To Make A Postcard For Any Holiday From Confetti And Paper

How Easy It Is To Make A Postcard For Any Holiday From Confetti And Paper
How Easy It Is To Make A Postcard For Any Holiday From Confetti And Paper

Making an original postcard with your own hands is very simple, just show your imagination. And the method described below to make a postcard out of confetti and paper is a wonderful proof of this! And this type of postcards is great for joint creativity with children.

How easy it is to make a postcard for any holiday from confetti and paper
How easy it is to make a postcard for any holiday from confetti and paper

colored or white thick paper for the base of the postcard, scissors, glue, a pencil, some colored threads or thin colored lace (silk or cotton), confetti.

if you haven't found confetti at home, don't buy it on purpose. Use a hole punch and make them yourself out of plain colored paper. Also, if you wish, you can replace confetti with sequins and rhinestones with glue. The craft in this case will turn out to be more glamorous.

1. From thick paper, cut out the base for the postcard - a rectangle 10-14 cm long and 7-10 cm wide (vary the size to your liking).

2. Use a soft pencil to mark the position of the confetti applique. Draw the silhouette of the balloon with light strokes in the form of a drop.

3. Smear the inside of the balloon silhouette with glue.

4. While the glue has not dried, cover the card with colored paper circles. Wait for the glue to dry and brush off excess confetti.

5. Glue a piece of thin cord to the base of the balloon. Stick one or two confetti on the place where the cord is attached. The postcard is ready! Well, if you insert such a postcard into a suitable frame, you get a wonderful small panel for a children's room!

if you are going to make such a card with confetti for a loved one, try to draw not a balloon, but a heart.
