Recently, there is little to surprise the average person. Whether it's even a birthday present or just a surprise. It is imperative that you be distinguished by something in order to stay in your memory for a long time.

Step 1
To make an unforgettable surprise, you need to be a little original. It is not enough that everything comes from the heart (although this is an important fact). It is important to know the little details about a person's life: hobbies, lifestyle, favorite things, etc. Based on every little detail, you can organize an excellent and unforgettable gift. But this is if you are familiar with the person. And if not, then you can either rely on your own intuition, or find out a little about the person and, on this basis, draw small conclusions for further thinking through the congratulation plan. However, you can come up with many such plans, but here is some part that will help develop your imagination and come up with even more original congratulations.
Step 2
Often, guys make different hearts for their beloved girls in all possible ways: they are laid out of stones, candles, etc. It would seem, what is even more original? But you can always find something new. If the surprise is done indoors, then slow music can be added to the heart laid out of candles on the table. Or, instead of music, put a fountain, which is quite small in size. Turn off the light, and then the water will shimmer beautifully from a small candlelight.
Step 3
A great surprise can be made from improvised means. If you bought a gift, and there is nowhere to wrap it, but you still have old gift paper, then roll it up in several layers, and put small pieces of paper with congratulations between them. The gift will be beautifully wrapped on the outside, and there will be a surprise inside.
Step 4
You can make different paper figures with your own hands. Let it be flowers, birds, animals, etc. If there are a lot of them, it will look very original. If you are drawing a poster, then in addition to your drawings, glue photos of celebrities or just funny pictures. Make a picture of matches, and glue an image on top.
Step 5
On your birthday, print a photo of the birthday person and hang it where the person walks. Next to the photo, write a request to congratulate the person. To come up with a great surprise, you only need to have a little desire to realize it, as well as a set of ordinary things or objects that can inspire you to create an amazing gift.