Igor Vernik is a rather popular actor, presenter. Inviting him to host a private event is not a cheap pleasure, and he himself is reluctant to accept such invitations. Why? It's no secret that other stars willingly replenish their budget in this way. How much does Wernick make?

Igor Vernik is brilliant in any role - as an actor, as a TV presenter. His radiant smile can melt not just ice, but a whole iceberg. Who is he and where is he from? Why, unlike his colleagues in the shop, Igor Emilievich is reluctant to accept invitations to host private events? How much does he make? What happened in his personal life over the past year? Which of the newspaper publications about him are true, and which are fiction?
Representative of the creative dynasty
Igor Vernik was born into a creative family in mid-October 1963. Together with him, his twin brother Vadim was born. The boys' father was the director of the All-Union Radio, their mother was a teacher at the Prokofiev music school. Naturally, their sons also chose a creative direction professionally. Igor loved music, the music class teachers were in awe of his abilities, but the young man eventually chose acting.

He entered the Moscow Art Theater School, already while studying there she began to play in the theater. And after receiving the diploma, one of the course was immediately admitted to the Chekhov Theater.
Now Igor Vernik is successful in several directions at once - he is a theater and film actor, producer, musician and vocalist, television and radio host, voices the heroes of Russian and foreign cartoons, is active in politics and social activities.
How much does Igor Emilievich earn? For sure, he himself will not be able to give an exact figure. Igor Vernik's Wikipedia will not answer this question either. But the fact that he does not often agree to host private events suggests that he does not need money.
Igor Vernik's income from filming in films and on television
The filmography of this actor includes nearly 90 works in films. He began filming in 1986, immediately after graduating from a specialized educational institution - the Moscow Art Theater School. The first work of Igor Vernik in the cinema was the role in the film "White Horse - Not Mine". Today, 5-7 films with his participation are released annually. Critics admit that Wernick plays brilliantly every type of hero.

For the first time, Igor Vernik tried himself in the role of TV presenter in 1992. He was entrusted with conducting the "Rec-Time" program on the RTR channel, and he brilliantly coped with the task for 4 years. Then 18 more similar works will appear in his creative collection of this direction, including the experience of a jury member in the international game of KVN.
He does not like to talk about the amount of royalties that Wernick receives for broadcasting and filming. But, according to the information held by the journalists, they are quite large.
Theatrical activity of the actor Igor Vernik
This handsome man, in his early 50s, already has several high titles - twice he became an Honored Artist (of the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic) and once a People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Igor Emilievich loves to joke about his stellar status, says that he would love to become twice Narodny, but he does not have such an opportunity yet.
In the theater, he plays in 16 performances at once. There are also classical plays in his piggy bank, for example, such as
- "The Master and Margarita" (the role of Bengalsky's entertainer),
- "Tartuffe" (the role of Damis),
- "Pit" by Kuprin (the role of Likhonin) and others.

The income of the theater actors is low, even in the capital. It is known that one appearance on the stage or participation in one performance can bring from 40,000 rubles or more. The amount depends on the so-called "length of service", the demand for the production and many other nuances.
How much the actor Igor Vernik gets for his roles in the play is unknown. But one can assume. They bring to his budget no less money than other sources.
Additional sources of income for Igor Vernik
In addition to acting talent, social and political activities bring income to Igor Emilievich. At one time, the actor supported well-known politicians - Sobyanin, Prokhorov, Kadyrov. In addition, he founded the Artist Foundation for the Support of Elderly Colleagues. But this line of activity, rather, requires giving money than giving any income.

There is an opportunity to invite Igor Emilievich Vernik as a host to a private event, but it costs a lot - from 1,000,000 rubles or more for the standard 5 hours of the artist's work for such services. Wernick has a pretty busy work schedule, and you need to try to book it several months before the event.
Personal life of Igor Vernik
The actor is very handsome, charming, open to communication, and it is not surprising that he is wildly popular with women, and journalists attribute to him an affair with all the fair sex, whom he approaches.
Igor Vernik has been married twice. With his first wife, he did not live even a year. Little is known about her, only that her name was Margarita, and the divorce happened due to the fact that she migrated to Israel. Wernick lived with his second wife for 10 years; his daughter Veronica was born in marriage. In addition, the actor has an illegitimate son, Grigory.

Wernick says about his amorous adventures: "I am surrounded by different women." Occasionally, scandals break out around his personal life, speculation arises. A striking example of this is the actor's romance with Maria Goncharuk. Whether Igor and this young beauty singer had a close relationship is still unknown. Sometimes rumors around the couple arise again, despite the fact that the girl has been married for a long time.