The heroes of "Saw" for seven parts fell into bloody traps, to get out of which it was necessary, for example, to lose an eye. But, in any case, "what to do" was perfectly clear. With a popular franchise game, the situation is more complicated - the decisions are usually not obvious, and the players have to puzzle a lot to understand what they want from them.

Step 1
There is always a clue. The peculiarity of the style of the game is that there is an ambiguous mark next to any puzzle, which helps to solve the riddle. For example, one of the rooms is accompanied by the inscription Time in your side, which is a play on words "Time is on your side." There is a combination lock in the room, and the key for it is the time indicated on the wall clock. Thus, a seemingly random phrase is almost a direct indication of a solution.
Step 2
Study the interior carefully. Most of the puzzles are solved solely through a careful examination of the rooms: keys are written on the walls, on sheets of paper, on X-rays, and any other objects near you. The number of attempts is not limited, so take your time to guess everything the first time and smoothly inspect the space available to you. You will surely find something useful in the neighborhood.
Step 3
Be prepared. In order to add variety to the game, many sudden elements are included - people running out from around the corner, traps hidden behind the door and the passage along the beams above the abyss. These gameplay elements are designed quite primitively, with the help of quick-time-events: you have to press the gamepad buttons in time. There is nothing complicated in the process, the main thing is to always be ready for the unexpected. In addition, the situation is greatly simplified by the possibility of repeating the episode after the death of the character.
Step 4
Take advantage of the video walkthrough. If some specific places still cause you difficulties, then at the link below you can find a series of videos containing the full walkthrough of the game. All you need is to open the video with the corresponding episode and see the solution to the problem. However, at the last levels you will need a decent dexterity, therefore, if you cannot repeat what is shown in the video, reduce the difficulty in the game settings, this will give more time to press quik-time and, in general, to complete the episode.